America Quotes
The FBI. is a massive culture. It's been a culture that served America well, and it's been focused on prosecution. But what we need in terms of terrorism is prevention.
If happiness was in money or power, then America should be the happiest country in the world, but it is not.
From that viewpoint, America, free country, democratic country, so more opportunity. Still is more sort of Alive. This is my feeling.
America needed recovery, not revenge. The hate had to be drained and the healing begun.
America's brightest minds are charting a course to a clean energy future that will provide for our health, safety, and prosperity.
England and America are two countries separated by the same language.
The city of New Orleans showed America what it takes to rebuild a great place. We're all going together, and we're not leaving anybody behind.
America certainly has made extraordinary progress. The collective unconscious of the nation has certainly shifted as a result of the civil rights movement and the developments in the '70s and '80s. We have witnessed a great expansion of the black middle class.
I'm completely fascinated with American politics because I think they dictate the politics of every nation of the Western world. So, it's very interesting to follow what's going on over here.
In terms of freedom, America doesn't invite any comparison to Russia. It would be silly to make one. Every line that I care to write, I can have printed. There is no point to even talk about degrees.
The only good thing about America is that you killed John Lennon.
America might be the land of second chances, but it ain't the land of third chances.
For America, our interests are our values, and our values are our interests.
Candidate Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and that's one promise he has kept. Turning a shining city on a hill into a sinking ship.
All of the jobs have gone away to satisfy the stockholders, so that's where the economy has gone. These major multinational corporations do not see their futures in America.
The most important social welfare program in America is a job.
But more than anything else, for the British folks Irish people were all terrorists. So when we went to Britain, it was always a lot of resistance to U2. And that's why we came to America.
Let's make New York the safest state in America - that must be our goal. Let's achieve it together.
I am not going to let anyone into America who is not vetted, who we do not have confidence in. But I am not going to slam the door on women and children.
The Founding Fathers would be sorry to see that America had become so divided and factionalized.
In the beginning, all the world was America.
Edward Abbey said you must brew your own beer; kick in you Tee Vee; kill your own beef; build your cabin and piss off the front porch whenever you bloody well feel like it. I already had a good start. As a teenager in rural Maine, after we came to America, I had learned hunting, fishing, and trapping in the wilderness. My Maine mentors had long ago taught me to make home brew. I owned a rifle, and I'd already built a log cabin. The rest should be easy. I thought I'd give it a shot.
Greatest natural disaster in America’s history. The storm’s supermassive fetch, hurling the already-swollen ocean onto land. High winds and twenty inches of rain shredding Capitol Hill and Foggy Bottom. The President in a secure location.
I was born in Guyana, South America.