Squares Quotes
Many of the questions we ask God can't be answered directly, not because God doesn't know the answers but because our questions don't make sense. As C.S. Lewis once pointed out, many of our questions are, from God's point of view, rather like someone asking, "Is yellow square or round?" or "How many hours are there is a mile?
I never take pictures. Skies are much larger in reminiscences and my friends are much better-looking. Photos crop reality into little squares; instead, I have very good binoculars.
Everybody likes to go to Geneva. I used to do it for the Law of the Sea conferences and you'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.
It's the squares who know how to fly the fighter planes and operate the missiles and the bombs and work the M-16s. Liberals would still be fumbling with the federally mandated trigger locks.
Well, why do you want a political career? Have you ever been in the House of Commons and taken a good square look at the inmates? As weird a gaggle of freaks and sub-humans as was ever collected in one spot.
It's amazing to see places like Madison Square Garden on the schedule again.
Starlight is falling on every square mile of the earth's surface, and the best we can do at present is to gather up and concentrate the rays that strike at area 100 inches in diameter.
A Corpse or a Ghost- I'd sooner be one or t'other, square and fair, than a Ghost in a Corpse, which is my feelins at present.
The business of the endgame is maneuvring to control critical squares, advancing or blockading passed pawns, preparing a breakthrough by the king, or exploiting the subtle superiority of one piece over another.
In real life a right-angled triangle is very unlikely to have a square on its hypotenuse.
We lay there and looked up at the night sky and she told me about stars called blue squares and red swirls and I told her I'd never heard of them. Of course not, she said, the really important stuff they never tell you. You have to imagine it on your own.
The worst passion we mortals cherish is the desire to possess. Even when we know that our final destination is a hole not more than three feet square, we have the strongest craving
Sometimes something becomes a lot better. It's like a puzzle . You can't force a round brick into a square. It's a delicate thing. You need to let the song decide.
Nanna Øland Fabricius -
Fie, fie, how frantically I square my talk!
Weirdness is not my game. I'm just a square boy from Wisconsin.
There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.
In 1993, I had my Super Show in Red Square, Moscow. No one before me had ever gotten permission to use that location and my show included fashion, fireworks, and dancing. I felt like it really communicated my heartfelt belief that all human beings are wonderful and unique individuals.
Take it from me, its hip to be square.
Precepts are the rules by which we ought to square our lives. When they are contracted into sentences, they strike the affections; whereas admonition is only blowing of the coal.
Better a square foot of New York than all the rest of the world in a lump - better a lamppost on Broadway than the brightest star in the sky.
The garden is doing so well, we have so many greens and radishes that everyone is enjoying. Also, we are using one square as a compost bin, the Green Team is collecting food waste at lunch. Things are looking great, a huge thank you again.
I did not find Liverpool ugly. Her stately public buildings, broad streets, public squares, and noble statues redeem her from the charge.
I want to play a show at Madison Square Garden in New York, which is where the New York Knicks play. That's what I want.
I enjoyed school, I was a bit of a square. I did very well in exams. I was quite lucky I was academic.