Artist Quotes
I want people to take me seriously as an artist and to hear that I have something to truly say and to offer.
The particulars of life do not matter to the artist; they merely provide him with the opportunity to lay bare his genius.
The artist and the photographer seek the mysteries and the adventure of experience in nature.
I have been the artist with the longest career, and I am so proud and honored to be chosen from heaven to be invincible.
Be an artist. Don't say it, do it.
Well, I do listen to God for direction, but I really don't have time to listen to other artists all that much.
I'm developed as an artist to accept the fact there are different points of view, but I believe in what I do and I have to stay with that.
I wish I was better at art. I love some of the great artists of the 19th century and, compared to them, I just feel I lack this technique that they had. They have so much skill.
The history of modern art is also the history of the progressive loss of art's audience. Art has increasingly become the concern of the artist and the bafflement of the public.
There is no fate more distressing for an artist than to have to show himself off before fools, to see his work exposed to the criticism of the vulgar and ignorant.
There were some extremely good teachers there that were great artists really in their own right. It was actually very hard to concentrate on getting down to going any work being an art student especially when it's a flighty thing at best.
The artist doesn't have time to listen to the critics. The ones who want to be writers read the reviews, the ones who want to write don't have the time to read reviews.
I had thrown my body in for art... I had thrown myself into this game for art. You know, I was not a very good artist. But this was, like, one thing I could do. (On being photographed nude playing chess with Marcel Duchamp at Duchamp's 1963 retrospective at the Pasadena Museum of Art.)
I'm a huge fan of Geffen records. Everything about them - their artists, their videos, their marketing.
Any artist who really engages with the problems in their medium at that moment and tries to deepen the problems is likely to discover new problems, new possibilities that will excite audiences and continue to excite them.
The idea of space is given to the artist to change if he can. The subject matter in the abstract is space.
Every artist has a very particular sound and style.
I'm an artist...The difference is that I don't tell anybody. I refuse to give them new reasons to laugh at me.
My one failing as an artist is that I depend on reference material to perhaps a greater extent than I should. Delacroix said that if you can draw a man falling out of a window and have the drawing finished before he hits the ground then you're a real artist. I wasn't that kind of artist.
Those nations of artists, finding their own individualism, and kind of standing against the world: to me that's the ultimate nightmare. I want to get lost and diffused in the world.
Perhaps the importance that we must attach to the achievement of an artist or a group of artists may properly be measured by the answer to the following question: Have they so wrought that it will be impossible henceforth, for those who follow, ever again to act as if they had not existed?
In order to be an artist, one must be deeply rooted in the society.
It's not what you do, it's the way you do it that makes you an artist. Whatever you do do it with all your heart. Be what you are Be creative!
Being an artist means seeing things and never having the ability to shut your eyes.