Artist Quotes
This Golden Globe nomination is sweet validation for the years of hard work it took to bring Coraline to life using stop-motion animation with the greatest crew of animators, artists, and technicians I've ever been privileged to work with. I share this nomination with all of them and we all share our thanks to the Hollywood Foreign Press.
If you're an unknown artist you're lucky to get an hour in a studio - it's a hierarchy and if you don't have hits, you don't get recorded again.
It's a lot easier to say you're a comic than a performance artist.
I feel like emotional content is the most important of any song, for any artist.
I think every artist strives for a record that crosses all energy, lines, boundaries or languages or barriers.
Drew Friedman isn't just a brilliant artist. He takes you to a place. He takes you back in time. He makes you smell the stale cigarettes and cold brisket and you say, thank you for the pleasure.
Ask the proficient athlete, artist, businessperson, or homemaker what creates excellence and they'll all agree: a commitment to long-term goals - and with a community of mentors and fellow "disciples."
The thing is, about a character, it's not about being right, it's about the truth. The truth comes from within, so you have to search as an artist for the truth.
There's not a hip-hop artist that didn't snatch of piece of Bob Marley. It's totally impossible.
The principle of parsimony is valid esthetically in that the artist must not go beyond what is needed for his purpose.
In a world that has ceased to believe in sin, the artist is responsible for the preaching.
The job of an artist is to entertain and not get involved with politics. We give the people in the countries we are visiting a good show - that's the purpose of an entertainer.
Not all writers are artists. But all of us like the idea of somebody in the year 2283 blowing the dust off one of our books, thumbing through it and exclaiming, “Hey, listen to what this old guy had to say back in the twentieth century!
I don't have stylistic loyalty. That's why people perceive me changing all the time. But there is a real continuity in my subject matter. As an artist of artifice, I do believe I have more integrity than any one of my contemporaries.
Being the gateway to a large city, St. Louis, I had felt from the very beginning that somehow this building should symbolize this sense of being a gateway.
A time comes, after years in the trenches, when the artist begins to fathom what his career has looked like so far and what it will look like if he continues as he's proceeded.
I think I'm like a young black 20 something artist who's trying to who's trying to like explore their identity through music and other things.
I think that an artist is a bit like a computer. He receives information from the world around him and from his past and from his own experiences. And it all goes into the brain.
The artist and the photographer seek the mysteries and the adventure of experience in nature.
The man who tells the tale if he has a tale worth telling will know exactly what he is about and this business of the artist as a sort of starry-eyed inspired creature, dancing along, with his feet two or three feet above the surface of the earth, not really knowing what sort of prints he's leaving behind him, is nothing like the truth.
Any artist who really engages with the problems in their medium at that moment and tries to deepen the problems is likely to discover new problems, new possibilities that will excite audiences and continue to excite them.
I'm a huge fan of Geffen records. Everything about them - their artists, their videos, their marketing.
I'm an artist. And usually when I tell people I'm an artist, they just look at me and say, 'Do you paint?' or 'What kind of medium do you work in?'
I'm an artist...The difference is that I don't tell anybody. I refuse to give them new reasons to laugh at me.