Dangers Quotes
The Conservative Party has one overriding concern in foreign policy, and that is the growth of Communist power and influence in the world, and the dangers it can bring for all of us.
I was happy in the midst of dangers and inconveniences.
The principal act of courage is to endure and withstand dangers doggedly rather than to attack them.
The armament industry is indeed one of the greatest dangers that beset mankind. It is the hidden evil power.
Here, in Cork district, you have in combination all the dangers which war can inflict.
And when long years and seasons wheeling brought around that point of time ordained for him to make his passage homeward, trials and dangers, even so, attended him even in Ithaca, near those he loved.
It is the fool who is haunted by fears, dread of dangers, oppression of mind, not the wise man.
The society girl meets more dangers than the girl on the stage. There is more danger at a tango tea than in the theatre. The actor is less dangerous than the dancing master.
The anxiety of most parents in seeing their sons and daughters enlist does not lie only in the fear of the physical dangers they may encounter.
More dangers have deceived men than forced them.
The framers of our Constitution understood the dangers of unbridled government surveillance. They knew that democracy could flourish only in spaces free from government snooping and interference, and they put restraints on government overreaching in the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights. . . . These protections require, at a minimum, a neutral arbiter - a magistrate - standing between the government's endless desire for information and the citizens' desires for privacy.
Absolute catholicity of taste is not without its dangers. It is only an auctioneer who should admire all schools of art.
How great are the dangers I face to win a good name in Athens.
No confirmed satyagrahi is dismayed by dangers, seen or unseen, from his opponent's side.
The chief reason warfare is still with us is neither a secret death-wish of the human species, nor an irrepressible instinct of aggression, nor, finally and more plausibly, the serious economic and social dangers inherent in disarmament, but the simple fact that no substitute for this final arbiter in international affairs has yet appeared on the political scene.
I think that any person who is commenting on public affairs is entitled to point out those dangers.
The lifetime we've left behind with strangers Promises and lies both have their dangers. I just can't be wrong enough and I can't hide for long enough So far away, but I still feel your pain.
The PCAOB is an unaccountable, unconstitutional regulatory body. It's the poster child for the dangers of a runaway bureaucracy.
So far as travel advice to Kenya is concerned, it already warns of possible dangers and we will be reviewing that straight away.
Boldness is ever blind, for it sees not dangers and inconveniences whence it is bad in council though good in execution.
We have never been in danger of running out of resources, but we have encountered considerable dangers from people who say we are running out of resources and who say that human activities need to be constrained.
It becomes one, while exempt from woes, to look to the dangers.
If we understand the dangers of materialism, it will help liberate us to experience the joys of Christ-centered stewardship. Jesus speaks of the "deceitfulness of wealth" . The psalmist warns, "Though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them" . The dangers of materialism are far-reaching. We should not think that we're immune to the value-changing nature of wealth.
In estimating the adversities of life, we would seldom have much reason to complain of the evils we suffer, did we understand the dangers we daily escape.