Detail Quotes
Hyperrealism can create an atmosphere of surrealism because nobody sees the world in such detail.
Many critics, when trying to praise a short-story collection, will say that it has the heft and scope of a good novel. But for me, one of the highest compliments you can pay a novel is to say that it has the rich texture and eloquent detail of a good story collection.
Sometimes it gets a little too bubblegum for me, but what I do love about KPop videos is their attention to detail, and their choreography and dancing are always spot-on.
When I read something, I picture that scene in that detail. That becomes very similar to composing a photo in real life.
The really big difference is that what you make with a molecular machine can be completely precise, down to the tiniest degree of detail that can exist in the world.
Watch every detail that affects the accuracy of your work.
I don't think there's any show comparable to 'Game of Thrones' in terms of the way it does the fantasy element to such a high standard: everything is created with so much care and detail. You really feel like you are transported into this entirely other fictional place.
I'm a sucker for expertly-executed detail and surprise elements in clothing.
I currently spend a lot of time thinking about orchestration and every detail of a piece.
So here, for example, on a very bright sunny day, the camera was able to capture the detail on the blouse, despite how strong the sunlight was.
We are a profoundly interconnected species, as the global economic and ecological crises reveal in vivid and frightening detail. We must embrace the simple fact that we are dependent on and accountable to one another.
The smaller the detail the greater the value.
Nothing in our lives is a mere insignificant detail to God.
It focuses on attention to detail, developing of practice and exploring our unique voices.
I don't like stories where I'm being given pages and pages of detail.
The level of craftsmanship maintained in each one of my designs, whether ready-to-wear, couture or bridal. The same attention to detail is invested in all my pieces.
Even if you close your eyes, you'll still hear Donald Trump sniffing. Linguists might call [these visuals] paralinguistics, every form of information including facial gestures and facial features. Obviously these things get scrutinized in tremendous detail, so that a cough can be of outsized importance. [But] that's all part of the package.
I am someone who places great value on the detail. That was always the case, even in my days as a racing driver.
I think it's possible to a certain extent to make those comparisons. The problem is the detail with which the comparison can be made. Of course, the first place to make such a comparison would be to ask for a testimony from different people and have people report on what they experience.
Don’t try to plan everything out to the very last detail. I’m a big believer in just getting it out there: create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.
Superficially insignificant or accidental looking detail in art may well carry the most important unconscious symbolism.
Here's a Challenge: Study a complicated topic in such detail that anyone interested can nod their head and understand as you explain specific concepts within the topic.
Photography has an amazing ability to capture the fine detail of surface textures. But far too often these intricate patterns are loved by the photographer for their own sake. The richness of texture fascinates the eye and the photographer falls easy prey to such quickly-caught complexities. The designs mean nothing in themselves and are merely pictorially attractive abstractions. A central problem in contemporary photography is to bring about a wider significance in purely textural imagery.
All religions were, at bottom, one, though they differed in detail and outward form like the leaves on a tree.