Operations Quotes
Lampoon was a very collegial operation, though "collegial" usually means "friendly" and it wasn't that friendly. But we were tight, like a family.
In the three years since our nation began operations in Iraq, more than 2,500 Americans have been killed and more than 18,000 Americans have been seriously wounded.
Jeff Williams, Apple's senior vice president of operations, has been called 'Tim Cook's Tim Cook' by some.
Managerial discretion can take many forms, some very subtle. Individual managers may run slack operations; they may pursue subgoals that are at variance with corporate purposes; they can engage in self-dealing.
The series of photographic operations, developing, washing, final drying, takes about quarter of an hour.
I first learned the power of trust in the CIA. There is no question that when I joined the Agency as a covert operations officer, it was still run along the 'old boys' network' model.
The mind's deepest desire, even in its most elaborate operations, parallels man's unconscious feeling in the face of his universe: it is an insistence upon familiarity, an appetite for clarity.
I was outraged to learn that the president wanted to outsource operations at some American ports to the United Arab Emirates.
The only reason I'd ever get a sex change operation is to see what it's like to be right all the time.
Making these operations more efficient is critical to achieve our long-term goal of expanding our proprietary product offerings.
Everything that is usually understood by the term co-operation is, in some degree, an evil.
It had all the earmarks of a CIA operation; the bomb killed everybody in the room except the intended target!
NATO will not become involved in partitioning that country, .. We're not going to engage in an operation that will fix demarcation lines. This is one country, and it will remain one country.
Afghanistan remains an opportunity to deal al Qaeda a vital strategic blow, especially since we have abandoned all operations - including counterterrorism operations - in Iraq.
The Federal Reserve Act requires the Federal Reserve to report annually on its operations and to publish its balance sheet weekly.
At the most basic level, a central bank must be clear and open about its actions and operations, particularly when they involve the deployment of public funds.
Imagine if investors in Wal-Mart really cared about bribery at that company's overseas operations or safety standards at its overseas manufacturing plants. If investors pulled their capital, corporate leaders would have to respond.
Mathematicians come to the solution of a problem by the simple arrangement of the data, and reducing the reasoning to such simple operations, to judgments so brief, that they never lose sight of the evidence that serves as their guide.
Theater acting is an operation with a scalpel, movie acting is an operation with a laser
Some may claim that is it unscientific to speak of the operations of nature as "miracles." But the point of the title lies in the paradox of finding so many wonderful things ... subservient to the rule of law.
These are typically former special operations community personnel who are highly trained in the use of deadly force, also in surveillance detection and also in risk avoidance.
There is a great inertia about all military operations of any size. But once this inertia has been overcome and underway they are almost as hard to arrest as to initiate.
We shall never have a science of economics unless we learn to discern the operation of law even among the most perplexing complications and apparent interruptions.
Dad’s home was more of a depot for his operations than a farm or a station. His life was centred on the horse business. He stabled his horses in a long open-fronted building with pillars. There were no stalls for them, just a long trough at the back where the stable was attached to the barn.