Oneself Quotes
To live is to be among men, and to be among men is to struggle, a struggle not only with them but with oneself; with their passions, but also with one's own.
To know anything about oneself one must know all about others.
To harm another is to harm oneself.
The final mystery is oneself.
Love is a state of being in harmony with oneself.
Other people are quite dreadful. The only possible society is oneself.
[To] know oneself is, above all, to know what one lacks. It is to measure oneself against Truth, and not the other way around. The first product of self-knowledge is humility . . .
Self-complacency is pleasure accompanied by the idea of oneself as cause.
Yes! live life with every fibre of one's being, surrender oneself to it, with no thoughts of rebellion, without deluding oneself that one can improve it and render it painless.
To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in somebody else.
Envy is an insult to oneself.
The most important thing is not to think very much about oneself. To investigate candidly the charge; but not fussily, not very anxiously. On no account to retaliate by going to the other extreme -- thinking too much.
To take something from a person and keep it for oneself: that is robbery. To take something from one person and then turn it over to another in exchange for as much money as you can get: that is business. Robbery is so much more stupid, since it is satisfied with a single, frequently dangerous profit; whereas in business it can be doubled without danger.
In any triangle, who is the betrayer, who the unseen rival, and who the humiliated lover? Oneself, oneself, and no one but oneself!
For beyond the difficulty of communicating oneself, there is the supreme difficulty of being oneself.
Calling oneself a hero after making mistakes shouldn't earn public trust.
The most reliable ways to make oneself miserable are attempting to change people and not attempting to change circumstances.
If you kill me, you kill yourself." [...] He only wanted to convey to Janegg the truth of ahimsa, which is that all beings were connected to each other in the deepest way and thus it was impossible to harm another without harming oneself.
It is curious how instinctively one protects the image of oneself from idolatry or any other handling that could make it ridiculous, or too unlike the original to be believed any longer.
It is not necessary that one should humble oneself to deserve assistance, it is sufficient that one should suffer.
Through the years, I have learned there is no harm in charging oneself up with delusions between moments of valid inspiration.
Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.
Confidence in oneself stems from the trust one has in knowledge.
It is hard to prevent oneself from believing what one so keenly desires.