Neutrality Quotes
I want in fact more of you. In my mind I am dressing you with light; I am wrapping you up in blankets of complete acceptance and then I give myself to you. I long for you; I who usually long without longing, as though I am unconscious and absorbed in neutrality and apathy, really, utterly long for every bit of you.
Impartiality is not neutrality. It is partiality for justice.
A person either creates or destroys. There is no neutrality.
Neutrality has its own aesthetics.
I'm very active in pushing for net neutrality and an open Internet. There are countless other causes I support personally and privately, but I try to keep my public activism fairly focused.
If a State refused to let religious groups use facilities open to others, then it would demonstrate not neutrality but hostility toward religion.
My standpoint is armed neutrality.
Full disclosure: James Comey is a friend. I won't pretend to neutrality about him. He is a highly honorable and decent person, and I have no doubt that he made the many judgments for which people loathe him in good faith.
The more evolutionary theory gets called an atheistic theory, the greater the risk that it will lose its place in public school biology courses in the United States. If the theory is thought of in this way, one should not be surprised if a judge at some point decides that teaching evolutionary theory violates the Constitutional principle of neutrality with respect to religion.
And it will always happen that he who is not your friend will request your neutrality and he who is your friend will ask you to declare yourself by taking up arms. And irresolute princes, in order to avoid present dangers, follow the neutral road most of the time, and most of the time they are ruined.
There's so much kind of bureaucracy involved with the whole concept of net neutrality and like technical stuff.
To my mind, what we ought to have maintained from the beginning was the strictest neutrality. If we had done this, I do not believe we would have been on the verge of war at the present time.
I was injured because everyone around me was observing neutrality and keeping silent. After all, they saw that I wasn't ready to perform that element. But they kept quiet.
Neutrality and boredom are the weapons of the state.
A wise neuter joins with neither, but uses both as his honest interest leads him.
Each temptation leaves us better or worse; neutrality is impossible.
Intellectual neutrality is not possible in a historical world of exploitation and oppression.
Neutrality is not politics.
Switzerland is part of the fight against terrorism. There is no neutrality against this threat.