Protection Quotes
A strong egoism is a protection.
Sigmund Freud
In many Asian households, to not go on to higher education, that's like a big no-no. I know my parents' discouragement was for my own protection, and I'm really close to them now, but they didn't understand that there is value in this. That's because they didn't know.
Sandra Oh
There was no protection, no quota system when it came to luck. It was like that moment in math when a child learns that the odds of heads or tails is always one-in-two, no matter how many times one has flipped the coin and gotten heads. Every flip, the odds are the same. Every day, you could be unlucky all over again.
Laura Lippman
Software patents may be used as a form of outright coercion, providing protection against theft of ideas as a potentially high cost to future inventors.
Nathaniel Borenstein
Cow-protection can only be secured by cultivating universal friendliness, i.e. ahimsa.
Mahatma Gandhi
Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans soon may have to choose between civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection.
William S. Cohen
The best protection any woman can have... is courage.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
In D.C., I've passed amendments to allocate $6.3 million to keep our waterways open for business, $1 million as a down payment on our wetland restoration - our natural storm protection - and $5 million to ensure that drilling permits are reviewed thoroughly and efficiently.
Cedric Richmond
Money is a protection, a cloak; it can buy one quiet, and some sort of dignity.
Willa Cather
It is undeniable that every human being is entitled to living space, daily bread, and the protection of the law as a common birthright; these are fundamentals and should not be handed out as an act of charity.
Alfred Delp
The tax that is taken from the free non-Muslim subjects of a Muslim government whereby they ratify the compact that assures them protection, as though it were compensation for not being slain.
Edward William Lane
It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at a Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency.
George Washington
The imagination is a pretty precious source of protection.
Nicholas Ray
I've had to come to grips with a God that fits my own experience, which is, my God could not be offering protection and not have protected my boy.
Elizabeth Edwards
I heard the prophet Joseph Smith say the time would come when this nation would so far depart from its original purity, its glory, and its love for freedom and its protection of civil rights and religious rights, that the Constitution of our country would hang as it were by a thread. He said, also, that this people, the sons of Zion, would rise up and save the Constitution and bear it off triumphantly.
Eliza R. Snow
I take his Theodore Geisel legacy very, very seriously. I know others may disagree because he's made such an impact on so many people that response to work becomes very personal, so people will have different points of view. But, at the core of this, I take the protection and the extension of his legacy very, very seriously. It's a very important part of my life.
Christopher Meledandri
On the moral plane, true friends enjoy the same protection as the sense of smell confers upon dogs. They scent the sorrow of their friends, they divine its causes, and they clasp it to their minds and hearts.
Honore de Balzac
Sometimes I think your life and mine are under the protection of some supreme being or fate, because, after many years of parallel thought, we find ourselves in the positions we now occupy.
George S. Patton