Change Quotes
Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.
Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change.
One moment can change a day, One day can change a life and One life can change the world.
Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.
Nothing lasts forever but the certainty of change...
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures. Everything is better than some things and worse than others. Which you choose to compare your experiences and situation with determines whether you will be happy and grateful or sad and jealous.
We cannot get to where we dream of being tomorrow unless we change our thinking today.
I was born by the river in a little tent. And just like the river, I've been running ever since. It's been a long, long time coming but I know a change is gonna come. Oh, yes it is.
The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.
I shall not change my course because those who assume to be better than I desire it.
I created my own charity called My Peak Challenge. We've been able to raise hundreds of thousands of pounds. It's helping change people's lives, and I've had lots of wonderful letters about it.
I find that even the simplest of dresses, if it has the correct seaming and the correct fabric, whatever shape or size you are, it can change the way you hold yourself.
Our intent of how we're going to play doesn't change.
It's nice to know there are some things in early 21st-century post-industrial culture that don't change very fast. I am one of those.
The American Dream is that any man or woman, despite of his or her background, can change their circumstances and rise as high as they are willing to work.
The earth continues to go round, whether it's the man who kills the tiger or the tiger who eats the man. The stronger asserts his will, it's the law of nature. The world doesn't change; its laws are eternal.
The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
The atmosphere seems to change once the sun goes down and the race fans get to watch a good show.
Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.
The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now. And the more grateful you are, the more you get.
Shakespeare will not make us better, and he will not make us worse, but he may teach us how to overhear ourselves when we talk to ourselves... he may teach us how to accept change in ourselves as in others, and perhaps even the final form of change.
My mother's belief in spiritual healers grew stronger after our family went through a rough patch following my father's death. Sufi saint Karimullah Shah Kadri changed our lives, and all of us converted to Sufism. But it wasn't an instantaneous decision - it took us 10 years to convert. The change in religion was like washing away the past.