Taken Quotes
We have taken a situation in the U.K. because of concerns, for example, over immigration and other things, so Britain now is on a path out of Europe.
Tony Blair
whatever devotion to something else there was in him had been made impure by church taken as a weekly, dutiful thing.
Kay Boyle
Success is a nice thing because it always means you've taken a step forward and it gives you a sense of pride, which in turn gives you confidence and experience-a positive circle, so to speak.
Roger Federer
My friends and I had taken dancing lessons, although none of us would ever admit it. In those depression days, a friend of my mother was trying to make a living by teaching dancing in the evening, in an upstairs dance studio. There was a back door to the place, and she arranged it so the young men could come up through the back way without being seen.
Richard Feynman
White privilege allows a certain kind of leisure that can be deployed by white people of advantage toward our restoration. That's all true and good. But it also suggests that there is an individual approach to the issues that many of these white people have taken up as a recognition of their tie to and responsibility for some of the inequities that exist. And I don't think it has to be an either-or. I think it has to be a bifocal approach.
Michael Eric Dyson
I wish I watched movies like 'Hidden Figures' when I was a kid, and maybe I would've taken science classes super seriously, because I saw myself.
Letitia Wright
There was a sense of being taken on a journey by the grandmaster of the road trip. You feel this weird angel taking you somewhere. You don't know where, but you trust him.
Michelle Williams
Destiny's Child
Hollywood is the kind of place that takes what you do well in one thing and manufactures it so the joy can be taken out of it.
Josh Gad
I've always taken a lot of exercise - I get a bit depressed if I don't. In terms of food, I'm a bit of a grazer.
Rupert Penry-Jones
I was worn out, broken: He had taken almost everything. But he'd been all I'd had, all this time. And when the police led him away, I pulled out of the hands of all these loved one, sobbing, screaming, everything hurting, to try and make him stay.
Sarah Dessen
The majority of my photos are taken while traveling, because everything feels new and exciting initially. Taking photos is like a way to make sense of the overwhelming.
Nick Zinner
I have never taken more than two weeks to record an album throughout my career.
Ginger Baker
You cannot live a normal existence if you haven't taken care of a problem that affects your life and affects the lives of others, values that you hold which in fact define your very existence.
Wole Soyinka
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Experience has taught us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession, and when the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington
Well, I think the Yoruba gods are truthful. Truthful in the sense that i consider religion and the construct of deities simply an extension of human qualities taken, if you like, to the nth degree. i mistrust gods who become so separated from humanity that enormous crimes can be committed in their names. i prefer gods who can be brought down to earth and judged, if you like.
Wole Soyinka
Much of the present difficulty in industrial relations arises from the fact that too many employers as well as too many legislators take the Labor Leader more seriously than he deserves to be taken, while taking the ordinary, everyday, middle-of-the-road wage-earner less seriously than he deserves to be taken.
Whiting Williams
The older I get, there doesn't seem to be anything remotely more interesting than talking about love and the lack of it and what happens when it's taken away from someone who's had it.
Nick Lowe
Brinsley Schwarz
Followers want to be taken care of. Leaders want to take care of others. We can all be leaders.
Simon Sinek