Activities Quotes
Do activities you're passionate about - which make your heart and soul feel perky - including things like working out, cooking, painting, writing, yoga, hiking, walking, swimming, being in nature, being around art, or reading inspiring books.
The quality of life is determined by its activities.
It is the active exercise of our faculties in conformity with virtue that causes happiness, and the opposite activities its opposite.
Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusements but in virtuous activities.
Happiness involves engagement in activities that promote one's highest potentials.
Be committed to whatever you're doing. That's something I've taken to heart and tried to do with whatever activities I take up.
I love outdoor winter activities like snow tubing and snowball throwing.
We have not been able to reach agreement. A precondition to constructive confidence, which is necessary now, is stopping all uranium enrichment activities.
I can't wait for summer in the city! I love all the free activities in the parks that become available to us New Yorkers. Yoga and movie screenings in Bryant Park, concerts in Central Park - there's so much more available to the New York community in the summer! And everyone just seems to smile more.
I do a variety of activities like Pilates, bike riding, physical therapy, and running. I also train on the ice five to six days a week. On the ice, I work on my programs as a whole and the individual technical elements that comprise the programs.
It's the adventure, the adrenaline-flowing, risk-taking in outdoor activities that attracts me.
In 2014, we have some new activities and new order wins in the non-automotive space.
Governments getting involved in sports activities would ultimately damage sports.
Whenever your mind is totally absorbed in whatever activities you are performing, your mind will remain calm and content.
Many of us find numerous ways to avoid or put off altering the balance between nourishing and depleting activities in our lives; usually for very solid-sounding and altruistic reasons. Some may say, for example: “I’m balancing being a mom, a career woman, a wife and a homemaker. Where do I find the time for myself?” Others will point to the large projects at work or home, and say, “Not now, not yet; maybe some day—when this project is finished.” On the surface, this approach seems reasonable; but try to see if it is possible to take the long view. In time, if we don’t rebalance our lives, we will become less effective at everything we do. We will become joyless, sleepless and witless.
Take charity work for example; the motivation of my various charitable activities is neither for fame nor profits. It is my sincere wish that, through my efforts, more people can realize how important it is to protect our planet and to start to act for a change.
He smiled, and it made his dimples come out. “I think I’m more Batman,” he said. “You know, what with all the bats and nighttime activities. And Batman is much cooler.” “Geek.” His smile widened. “You say the nicest things. Haven’t you heard? Geeks run the world now.” -BLACK DAWN
The body needs the rejuvenation that comes from exercise. Walking in the fresh air can be exhilarating and refreshing. Properly directed running can also have some beneficial effects. Simple sit-ups or sports activities can also be helpful.
To be healthy and happy, a person must live a life that includes a good variety of activities.
It's important for fans to follow only verified accounts of actors. For instance, I am not on Facebook, but I know that many people are running accounts on my name, claiming to be me. Young girls end up liking such dubious pages and get swayed by the activities that happen there.
Even as we speak, the exchanges of information are under way related to the activities of different extremists and terrorist organizations, including in Afghanistan
There is, however, one other human right which is infrequently mentioned but which seems to be destined to become very important: this is the right, or the duty, of the individual to abstain from cooperating in activities which he considers wrong or pernicious.
The person who fears God seeks to live all of life to the glory of God... All the activities of life should be pursued with the aim of glorifying God.
We are products of the past and we live immersed in the past, which encompasses us. How can we move towards the new life, how create new activities without getting out of the past and without placing ourselves above it? And how can we place ourselves above the past if we are in it and it is in us? There is no other way out except through thought, which does not break off relations with the past but rises ideally above it and converts it into knowledge.