Bathroom Quotes
If I'm going to buy a new guitar, I take it to a good 'hot' room, like a tiled bathroom, and listen to the wood. If tone comes off the neck, you can bet it's gonna sound beautiful through an amp.
I tell ya, I knew my morning wasn't going right. When I put on my shirt the button fell off, when I picked up my briefcase, the handle fell off, I tell ya, I was afraid to go to the bathroom.
I have a system with bathrooms. I spend a lot of time in them. They are sanctuaries, public places of peace spaced throughout the world for people like me.
Life is like a movie-since there aren't any commercial breaks, you have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of it.
The products in my bathroom are pretty minimal. Issey Miyake makes great cologne, and I use everything from Zirh, especially their shave scream. I really like Mario Badesco aftershave, too. It's amazing.
Anyone who is awake and aware knows that these quote-unquote bathroom bills or any legislation discriminating against LGBTQ citizens is horrible.
I got beat up sometimes in the girls' bathroom.
I always seem to be chosen to do very flattering things like the beard comb over or go to the bathroom with the door open on Sex and the City or be the guy people meow at in Super Troopers. It's great for self esteem.
What I remember about the experience is that if you went to go see 'Born On The Fourth Of July' and you happened to take a bathroom break real quick or grab some popcorn, you probably missed me. It was short, but it was memorable.
I had a stalker who was extremely violent. He broke into the studio with knives and I was locked in a bathroom.
Burnett fidgeted. She had never seen Burnett like this. He looked like a kid who needed to go to the bathroom.
As a kid, I'd go into the bathroom when I was having a tantrum. I'd be in the bathroom crying, studying myself in the mirror. I was preparing for future roles.
They took a survey: Why do men get up in the middle of the night? Ten percent get up to go to the bathroom and 90 percent get up to go home.
Hollywood is like Picasso's bathroom.
I'm like, bursting. I should be working. I don't want to take a break. It's funny, on set, I don't have to go to the bathroom, I don't have anything wrong, I'm perfectly fine, so through-and-through. I'm not hungry. I'm literally not even in my own body.
I bet that the best thing about being a hermaphrodite is that you always get to use the bathroom with the shortest line.
It's not uncommon in South Korea for a building to not have a women's bathroom.
I wish I had a nickel for every song that I've left in the bathroom, written down on a matchbox, or just totally forgotten about.
I received enough rejections to wallpaper my entire bathroom.
People who see an unhappy, sulky pop star assume that she's an ungrateful, self-absorbed little ninny. But nobody knows what's really going on. I need to eat, I need to sleep, and sometimes those things weren't considered. It was like, "When do you think I'll have time to go to the bathroom?" That wasn't on the schedule.
I was once caught climbing out of the classroom window while bunking a class. I lied that I had to go to the bathroom and the exit was crowded. The principal believed me.
There are two things that Jack Bauer never does. Show mercy, and go to the bathroom.
EVE:so thats the bathroom where shane spends houres doing his hair shane:bite me
I just enjoy the sound as I hear it in everything around me. The high and low frequencies of sound bewitch me. Whether I am in a shop, in the bathroom or listening to noise that my fans make... everything is music to my ears and drives me. I just put all these things in rhythm when I'm playing.