Simply Quotes
A friend is simply one soul in two bodies.
Don't put my name on it. These are simply documents I make.
Don't be 'consistent', but be simply true.
An ambassador is not simply an agent; he is also a spectacle.
It's simply untrue that religion provides the only framework for a universal morality.
'Pong' is simply a knockoff of the Odyssey Ping-Pong game.
I'm simply a businessman who has seen his share of failures and successes.
I have no idea what's next. I simply don't have a clue.
Simply put, I'm glad that manga as an expressive form is expanding.
I love watching great TV, whether it's to educate myself more on my craft or to just simply be entertained.
What happens in the heart simply happens.
Professors simply can't discuss a thing. Habit compels them to deliver a lecture.
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
I simply imagine it so, then go about to prove it.
If wars were fought only by the men on the ground, the men facing one another in real battle, most wars would end quickly and sensibly. Men are smart and men are animals, in that they don't want to die so simply for so little.
Art was not simply a foregone conclusion, the final link in a causal chain. It was not the inevitable outcome of an evolving ‘aesthetic sense’, as some writers suggest.
If you do extreme exercise to lose weight, you'll usually soon stop because you get injured or because it's simply too rigorous to do for a lifetime.
Blowback is simply another way of saying that a nation reaps what it sows.
Slight changes simply make a blur.
There is only one way to achieve lasting happiness. That is simply: Be happy.
Be who you are, said the Duchess to Alice, or, if you would like it put more simply, never try to be what you might have been or could have been other than what you should have been.
Muichi Motsu: "Hold nothing": If you meet Buddha, kill Buddha. If you meet the patriarchs, kill the patriarchs. Free of all, bound by nothing, you live your life simply as it is
- will does not mean one will, but many wills conflicting in one man. Freedom cannot be conceived simply.
Quite simply the book and I were meant to be together.