Resource Quotes
The very resource of Holy Spirit empowerment granted to Jesus for his life of obedience and faithfulness to the Father is now granted to Jesus’s disciples as they carry forward the message of Christ, living lives of obedience to Christ, all in the power of the Spirit.
I believe that Streamline should be part of our toolbox of things that we use at the border. And there needs to be a variety of things that we use at the border to get the most effective enforcement strategy. And so really it's a resource issue more than anything else.
What are you trying to protect heterosexual marriages from? There isn't a limited amount of love in Iowa. It isn't a non-renewable resource. If Amy and Barbara or Mike and Steve love each other, it doesn't mean that John and Mary can't.
History's a resource.
"Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep You have to go looking for them; they're not just lying around on the surface You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves"
The media industry grows more complex every day as technology fuels changes in how audiences consume entertainment. World Screen magazine is an essential resource, consistently providing keen insight into the players and latest developments in both established and emerging media markets around the globe.
The forest is not a resource for us, it is life itself. It is the only place for us to live.
Journalists immediately think of me as a resource for a quote or comment because they know that I will be available to offer fresh insight and meet their deadlines.
What is such a resource worth? Anything it costs. If we never hike it or step into its shade, if we only drive by occasionally and see the textures of green mountainside change under wind and sun, or the fog move soft feathers down the gulches, or the last sunset on the continent redden the sky beyond the ridge, we have our money's worth. We have been too efficient at destruction; we have left our souls too little space to breathe in. Every green natural place we save saves a fragment of our sanity and gives us a little more hope that we have a future.
There are too many unknowns in this whole thing. In order to sell the resource, you have to protect the resource.
Our greatest national resource is the minds of our children.
For me, books have been a life-long resource-to learning, laughter, solace, excitement, inspiration. At your library, the world awaits you, free for the asking.
If you think of every single continent there is, on every continent, there is something, a natural resource that every continent has, or sources, that they can really survive with that, or they can trade with that. But a lot of the developed nations have taken those things from those places and have claimed it and, therefore, they're dependent on those other nations.
Failure: the renewable resource.
I'll be a resource for him if he wants to use me, he'll have my full cooperation.
The single greatest under-utilized resource we have as a nation is women and girls.
He scratched his ear, the infallible resource to which embarrassed people have recourse.
We have created this new Internet resource to connect workers to employers who have jobs to give, including temporary jobs cleaning up and rebuilding devastated communities.
Women-the greatest natural resource in the world today.
As if death were a resource that had to be earned, that could ever be used up or wasted.
It's hard for us to talk about how we disdain file-sharing when in fact it probably has been a great resource for us.
Edison was by far the most successful and, probably, the last exponent of the purely empirical method of investigation. Everything he achieved was the result of persistent trials and experiments often performed at random but always attesting extraordinary vigor and resource. Starting from a few known elements, he would make their combinations and permutations, tabulate them and run through the whole list, completing test after test with incredible rapidity until he obtained a clue. His mind was dominated by one idea, to leave no stone unturned, to exhaust every possibility.
Every experience I've had in my life is a resource in my body.
This resource will enable us to fully analyze, characterize and control the quality of approved cell lines.