Absent Quotes
To Retain those who are present, be loyal to those who are absent.
Woman absent is woman dead.
Not an angel of the air, Bird melodious or bird fair, Be absent hence!
Achilles absent was Achilles still!
We emphasize that such a form of communication is not absent in man, however evanescent a naturally given object may be for him, split as it is in its submission to symbols.
Every actor has a natural animosity toward every other actor, present or absent, living or dead
If he does go, the change will be doleful. Suppose he should be absent spring, summer, and autumn: how joyless sunshine and fine days will seem!
Hate can only flourish where love is absent.
Love is unconditional and incomprehensible. And I believe it's possible to love absent of mutual respect.
I was absent at the moment I took up the most space.
I often think of you all, one cannot do what one wants in life. The more you feel attached to a spot, the more ruthlessly you are compelled to leave it, but the memories remain, and one remembers - as in a looking glass, darkly - one's absent friends.
Talk well of the absent whenever you have the opportunity.
It's a whole nother aspect of this life that most people have no idea about. There's the loved ones, the wives, the girlfriends, the children. Some of the people out here are fathers and mothers. Whether you mean to or not, you end up neglecting your family in a lot of ways. Even if you do your best to keep in touch, the fact of the matter is that you're physically absent.
I usually have poor to absent relations with editors because they have a habit of desiring changes and I resist changes.
History is various and sinuous and no essential part of the human spirit is ever wholly absent from it.
At dramatic rehearsals, the only author that's better than an absent one is a dead one.
When the great history of horticulture is written I will be listed among the absent.
If we are long absent from our friends, we forget them; if we are constantly with them, we despise them.
When our friends are present we ought to treat them well; and when they are absent, to speak of them well.
Not to be to be a vulgar materialist or be too reductive, but all of that was completely absent from the conversation. Instead we were told it was a "revolutionary" moment, where these new tools would inevitably displace the old media dinosaur and that things would be democratized and wasn't it great we could all collaborate on these platforms.
Beauty is and always is. You are absent. Why are you absent? Again your robot mind is the problem. It will not stay still and you cannot make it stay still. It is your master and it separates you from beauty and God.
We learn to believe by believing. We learn to love by loving. The practice of acting on a certain thing, even (or especially) when feeling is absent, embodies the entire "how" of growth.
One thing about this face was very strange and startling. You could not look upon it in its most cheerful mood without feeling that it had some extraordinary capacity of expressing terror. It was not on the surface. It was in no one feature that it lingered. You could not take the eyes or mouth, or lines upon the cheek, and say, if this or that were otherwise, it would not be so. Yet there it always lurked-something for ever dimly seen, but ever there, and never absent for a moment.
Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who are absent.