Sharks Quotes
I'm just a simple guy swimming in a sea of sharks.
Did you know that mako shark fetuses eat each other in the womb?... Its true. Only cannibal fetuses survive to be born. Can you imagine if people were like that?
Sharks are being driven to extinction because people want to eat their fins and their flesh.
When I was starting out, young actresses had the studio system to protect them. Now you have a host of sharks, from your agent to your publicist to your lawyer.
There are 350 varieties of shark, not counting loan and pool.
I'm obsessed with great white sharks. And I want to dive into the coral of the Great Barrier Reef.
Writing and performing are to me what water and movement are to sharks.
Instead of squirreling away your earnings early in your career, spend on experiences that will enrich your life - like diving with great white sharks. It can expose you to influential people who could open doors for you.
He described to me how crocodiles kill more people than sharks. There are just a lot of things in Australia that can kill you.
The pointless snide remarks of hammerheaded sharks
Hey Rid?" She stopped and turned to look at him, almost ruefully. Like she couldn't help what she was any more then a shark could help being a shark, but if she could... "Yeah, Shrinky Dink?" "You're not all bad." She looked right at him and almost smiled. "You know what they say. Maybe I'm just drawn that way.
Annoyance and pathos warred in my breast, and after a short struggle, annoyance punched pathos in the snout like the voracious shark it was.
I don't enjoy the boo scare when you're watching a movie and then suddenly there's a big shark on the screen. The only thing they're doing is catching you off guard.
Considering their impact, you might expect mosquitoes to get more attention than they do. Sharks kill fewer than a dozen people every year, and in the U.S. they get a week dedicated to them on TV every year.
Your dead sleep quietly, at least, Captain, out of reach of sharks" "Yes, sir, of sharks and men.
The Sharks board agree red cards and dirty play cannot be condoned, and it is unacceptable that this behaviour be associated with the Sharks brand.
After the clinch, it doesn't matter what happens, one way or another, we're going to hit the ground, and we'll be in my world. The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim.
That's not news! When a shark comes out of the water, walks into a 7-11, and bites you in the ass, then it's news!
The ground is my ocean, I’m the shark, and most people don’t even know how to swim.
I have a slight fear of sharks for some reason.