Tabloids Quotes
I'm not sure when or why the tabloid angle on me was decided that I am a cad. I would have much rather it had been that I am secretly a dentist or that I love soup.
What happens is this sort of bleed-over from the tabloids across your movie work. You go to a movie, you only go once. But the tabloids and Internet are everywhere. You can really subsume the public image of somebody.
I never read the tabloids.
I don't look at the tabloids. I don't read the tabloids.
They have me in the tabloids all the time without my makeup. My friends always show me. But I don't care. Everybody saw me on 'American Idol' with no makeup so you know what you're getting!
I've finally learnt how to say, 'No comment'. To appear in the tabloids is a real learning curve and a steep one at that. You had better learn quick or you get burnt.
When you hire that first person, then you're a boss. You've got performance reviews. You've got complaints about not making enough money. You've got people who are just going to sell your story to the tabloids.
I'm always in those tabloids where they show who's badly dressed. It's funny, because each time I'm getting my picture taken, I'm thinking, This is a nice outfit.
I find that when you see somebody in the tabloids all the time, you have no desire to see them in movies.
It's an incredibly limited sphere those tabloids have, isn't it? Basically, they can accuse people of being gay and they can accuse people of taking drugs, but they can't get any more sensational without entering into the realm of incredibly bad taste.
Tabloids could call you a child molester, I suppose, but they just go for the two things they think people are most likely to believe and that will most offend yourself and your popularity. My skin hardened to all that stuff years ago.
I never read tabloids, I never buy books or go on Perez Hilton, and I never ever watch the news.
All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life.
I live my life with positivity, so even if there was a low, I'd find a positive in the situation. It's how I am with everything in life. With acting, I don't love the celebrity side of it and the tabloids, but at the end of the day, I love what I do so much, it overrides all that.