Arrows Quotes
As the fletcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs his straying thoughts.
Gautama Buddha
Avoid that which an enemy tells you to do; for if you follow his advice, you will smite your, knees with the hand of sorrow. If he shows you a road straight as an arrow, turn from it and go the other way.
As a rock on the seashore he standeth firm, and the dashing of the waves disturbeth him not. He raiseth his head like a tower on a hill, and the arrows of fortune drop at his feet. In the instant of danger, the courage of his heart here, and scorn to fly.
It is easy to shield the outer body from poisoned arrows, but it is impossible to shield the mind from the poisoned darts that originate within itself. Greed, anger, foolishness and the infatuations of egoism - these four poisoned darts originate within the mind and infect it with deadly poison.
Albert Camus
Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.
William Shakespeare
As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse.
Gautama Buddha
I’m not clear enough in the head to feel anything but varieties of dull anger and arrows of sadness.
Virginia Woolf
They, astounded at the flash of the armor, and the swiftness of the charge, and attacked by showers of arrows and missiles, half naked as they were, never stopped to resist but gave way.
Because when she failed, I saw how she might have succeeded. Arrows that continually glanced off from Mr. Rochester's breast and fell harmless at his feet, might, I knew, if shot by a surer hand, have quivered keen in his proud heart - have called love into his stern eye, and softness into his sardonic face, or better still, without weapons a silent conquest might have been won.
Charlotte Bronte
After a sleepless night the body gets weaker, It becomes dear and not yours - and nobody's. Just like a seraph you smile to people And arrows moan in the slow arteries. After a sleepless night the arms get weaker And deeply equal to you are the friend and foe. Smells like Florence in the frost, and in each Sudden sound is the whole rainbow. Tenderly light the lips, and the shadow's golden Near the sunken eyes. Here the night has sparked This brilliant likeness - and from the dark night Only just one thing - the eyes - are growing dark.
Marina Tsvetaeva
Children are arrows in a quiver, and they are to be trained as missionaries and shot at the Devil.
Jim Elliot
I love 'Last Friday Night' by Katy Perry almost as much as 'Karma Police', and if you want to straddle that line, you have to take the slings and arrows.
Chris Martin
Philosophy alone makes the mind invincible, and places us out of the reach of fortune, so that all her arrows fall short of us.
Seneca the Younger
A man may be as straight as an arrow, but even then he will have some critics.
Which arrow flies for ever? The arrow that has hit its mark.
Vladimir Nabokov
It takes one of the arrows out of our quiver, as it were.
B. R. Hayden
The arrows of malevolence ... however barbed and well pointed, never can reach the most vulnerable part of me; though, whilst I am up as a mark, they will be continually aimed.
George Washington
Oh yeah, I mean, it wasn't a very good guitar, most good guitars have got thrust rods in the necks that you can adjust or that'll keep them in shape, you know keep them straight. This one just, well it turned into a bow and arrow after a couple of months.
Eric Clapton
Blind Faith