Originals Quotes
There are more copies than originals among people.
When writing 'Give and Take' and 'Originals,' the predominant emotion for me was curiosity.
Meredith Baxter Birney gets beaten by a rod, in the Lifetime Original, Rod.
Every great and original writer, in proportion as he is great and original, must himself create the taste by which he is to be relished.
Obviously the original 'Tron' was a very influential movie for its time, so to be a part of the second one is very exciting.
Hippies? Why, I'm the original.
You got to have style, and learn to be original.
We must be alarmingly enterprising, and we must be startlingly original, and do new and striking things which constitute a revolution.
I love my hair. But I don't even remember my original color because I started bleaching it so young. I was, like, 11.
It is better to be good than to be original.
Sure, you could go out and make Jaws today. But all of the sequels to Jaws weren't good. They are all worthless. The Godfather II is the only sequel that I have ever seen that is as good as or better than the original.
If you wanna compete, youve got to get into the original content game.
Peace, like freedom, is no original state which existed from the start; we shall have to make it, in the truest sense of the word.
Original thoughts can be understood only in virtue of the unoriginal elements which they contain.
I am always looking for what I think are original voices.
Once trust is tarnished, it is hard to restore it to its original glow.
People have to decide do they want originals or do they want copies, Bernie Sanders's the original.
A poor original is better than a good imitation.
My experience is that sequels are rarely as good as the originals.
I've never written an original piece for film; all the original things I've done are for the stage.
If we refuse our homage to statues and frigid images, the very counterpart of their dead originals, with which hawks, and mice, and spiders are so well acquainted, does it not merit praise instead of penalty Christians were punished for not worshiping Roman gods that we have rejected what we have come to see is error? We cannot surely be made out to injure those whom we are certain are nonentities. What does not exist is in its nonexistence secure from suffering.
Reverb does that thing where you make one sound and it grows to 20 times its original size and fills everything up.
The severest critics are always those who have either never attempted, or who have failed in original composition.
Deep within all of us there is a yearning to be brave. And like all of our deepest, truest and best yearning, it comes from how we were made.Courage-the power to do the right thing even when it is scary and hard- resonates deeply with the original shape of our soul.