In 2007, 'Diary of the Dead' all of a sudden made money. I was blindsided by that.
My stuff is my stuff. I do it for my own reasons, using my own peculiar set of guidelines.
There aren't that many monsters. It's very hard to create a new monster.
When you are working with low budgets and you have a gunshot with a squib and it goes wrong - the gun flash does not synchronize with the squib or whatever - it takes half an hour or 40 minutes to clean it all up and reset it. It's much easier to use a computer to paint in the flash and splatter.
As movie monsters go, zombies are the most human. They were human at one time. So we are confronted with ourselves in a way, which is much more frightening and disturbing.
I like to use horror as allegory.
I don't like the new trends in horror. All this torture stuff seems really mean-spirited. People have forgotten how to laugh, and I don't see anybody who's using it as allegory.
'The Thing from Another World' was the first movie that really scared me.
When you're working with a low budget, the most expensive time is the time spent on the set. The words of the day are, 'Get off the set as quickly as possible,' and so CG enables you to do that.
I did 'Land of the Dead,' which was the biggest zombie film I had ever made. I don't think it needed to be that big. That money went largely to the cast. They were great, but I don't think that money needed to be spent.
I don't want to do 'Beyond the Planet of the Apes.' I don't want a zombie society. I don't want to go that far.
First of all, in the old days, if you wanted to show someone getting shot on film, all you could do was place an effect in the original take. And if you wanted to brighten somebody's face and leave the rest of the room dark, that was a very expensive process.
My zombie films were all sort of satirical, with political messages. So I was doing them inexpensively and quietly off in left field somewhere.
There are very few horror films that I think are worth their salt.
I didn't much care for the 'Dawn' remake. It was a well-made action movie but really wasn't anything like my 'Dawn Of The Dead.'
I really liked the helicopter pilot in 'Dawn of the Dead', when he gets bitten and comes out of the elevator. That guy was amazing. He did this incredible walk that we didn't even know about until we started shooting.
I'm like my zombies. I won't stay dead!
A zombie film is not fun without a bunch of stupid people running around and observing how they fail to handle the situation.
Ever since 'Lassie' and 'Old Yeller', I won't watch animal movies. Animals in movies always die.
I want 'Dawn' to play like a cowboys and Indians movie.
For a Catholic kid in parochial school, the only way to survive the beatings - by classmates, not the nuns - was to be the funny guy.
'Night of the Living Dead,' then 'Dawn of the Dead' is a few weeks later, 'Day of the Dead' months later, and 'Land of the Dead' is three years later. Each one spoke about a different decade and was stylistically different.
Back then, in 1968, everything was suspect - family, government, and obviously the family unit in 'Night of the Living Dead' completely collapses. That's what we were focused on.
I guess my stuff needs to grow on people. Too bad! That seems to happen with all of it.