Remember that everyone deserves some fun during working hours.
I don't understand the process of imagination-though I know that I am very much at its mercy.
Every writer I know has trouble writing.
He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt.
You have deep-seated survival anxieties. And you don't like bigots, bullies, snobs or hypocrites. Subconsciously there are many people you hate." "Consciously, sir, consciously," Yossarian corrected in an effort to help. "I hate them consciously.
What is a country? A country is a piece of land surrounded on all sides by boundaries, usually unnatural. Englishmen are dying for England, Americans are dying for America, Germans are dying for Germany, Russians are dying for Russia. There are now fifty or sixty countries fighting in this war. Surely so many countries can't all be worth dying for.
I don't think the 'what' distinguishes a good novel from a bad one but rather the 'how.'
In the long run, failure was the only thing that worked predictably. All else was accidental.