Great leaders and great organizations are good at seeing what most of us can’t see. They are good at giving us things we would never think of asking for.
Simon Sinek -
We are drawn to leaders and organizations that are good at communicating what they believe. Their ability to make us feel like we belong, to make us feel special, safe and not alone is part of what gives them the ability to inspire us.
Simon Sinek
The courage of leadership is giving others the chance to succeed even though you bear the responsibility for getting things done.
Simon Sinek -
Leaders don't look for recognition from others, leaders look for others to recognize.
Simon Sinek -
We must be clear about where we’re going if we want anyone to help us get there.
Simon Sinek -
When we can communicate from the inside out, we're talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior, and then we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where gut decisions come from.
Simon Sinek -
All the great organizations in the world, all have a sense of why that organization does what it does.
Simon Sinek -
You have to have a patience for relationships.
Simon Sinek
Optimists focus on the place they are going. Pessimists focus on the obstacles along the route. To become an optimist simply look ahead.
Simon Sinek -
I was a nobody when I met with the publisher. Nobody knew who I was. I was doing some speaking for entrepreneurs. I did little groups. I had no following.
Simon Sinek -
The creatives are rarely professional and the professionals are rarely creative.
Simon Sinek -
Most organizations only focus on WHAT they do and HOW they do it - tactics and strategies - and they aren't even aware that this thing called the WHY exists. Focusing on only two pieces of a three piece puzzle leaves an organization, or a career, inherently out of balance. Being out of balance, only operating on two of the three pieces, shows up in different ways - increased stress, loss of passion, obsession with what your competition is doing, being forced to play the price game, trouble differentiating. These are all signs that the WHY is missing.
Simon Sinek -
We pursue exercise even though empirically we see no benefit from the energy we're spending and we're hurting. So empirically we should quit. The why is exactly the same thing. You persist even though there are some short-term stresses and even though there is some uncertainty.
Simon Sinek -
Poor leaders push us towards the goal. Great leaders guide us through the journey.
Simon Sinek
It's always the organizations that are resource constrained that come up with the good ideas to win.
Simon Sinek -
We should never change our minds about where we are going, but always be curious about different ways to get there.
Simon Sinek -
I'm interested in the left side of the Bell Curve.
Simon Sinek -
Money is a short-term result that incentivizes short-term decision making.
Simon Sinek -
Our reputations do not come from how we talk about ourselves. Our reputations come from how others talk about us.
Simon Sinek -
Instead of showing up to let everyone know how great we are, show up to find out how great everyone else is.
Simon Sinek
A friend is an emotional bond, just like friendship is a human experience.
Simon Sinek -
What is a company that believes in good, clean family entertainment doing making R-rated pictures.
Simon Sinek -
You'll never see the president carry his own luggage, and why? Because even though we know he has luggage, it would reduce his stature if he was too much like us. We need to think of our leaders as being above us, even though they must still relate to us.
Simon Sinek -
Follow those who follow something bigger than themselves - an idea, a belief, a vision, a cause. Run away from those who say we need to follow them.
Simon Sinek