Sofia Villani Scicolone (Sophia Loren) Quotes
I exist only because inside of me and above all else I am only and above all a Neapolitan. Naples exists inside of me, and always will. Fortunately for me there is this treasure that I have inside of me and, when I need it, then I pull it out.

Quotes to Explore
The true treasure lies within. It is the underlying theme of the songs we sing, the shows we watch and the books we read. It is woven into the Psalms of the Bible, the ballads of the Beatles and practically every Bollywood film ever made. What is that treasure? Love. Love is the nature of the Divine.
If love is the treasure, laughter is the key.
Every era needs a genre through which it understands itself.
In the 1990s, the United States offered to help North Korea with its energy needs if it gave up its nuclear weapons programme.
Tasmania needs a watchdog, not a lap dog.
I only have 'yes' men around me. Who needs 'no' men?
Hungary needs Russia.
The - I don't want to say older, but the more experienced I get, I treasure and I honor what I've done much more.
As I try to get around with a guitar, a banjo and a suitcase of high heels and dresses, I treasure that little ukulele.
A food processor, or even one of those small bowls that fit on a stick blender, is a real treasure. No, that's not an overstatement.
Don't need to say please to no man for a happy tune.
Wait a minute. I don't need to keep proving myself. I don't need to keep showing up at every party.
Unfortunately, every time there's a budget crunch in New York, the Parks Department is usually the first to be cut. So they need all the help they can get.
We need to find ways to communicate with each other.
Our needs are our greatest asset. It turns out I've learned to give all the things that I need.
Niall: Help! Louis: Did anyone hear that? Niall: Help!! Louis: SOMEBODY NEEDS HELP! RAAH! (Pulls open shirt and has Superman shirt underneath) Superman is here!!
Listen. Pay attention. Treasure every moment.
There doesn't need to be a God for me.
You don't need brains to be a painter, just feelings.
So, I think China desperately needs to legitimize some form of opposition.
There can be no doubt that all our knowledge begins with experience.
I don't enjoy eating humble pie; it never tastes good. But I do appreciate it when it happens.
I exist only because inside of me and above all else I am only and above all a Neapolitan. Naples exists inside of me, and always will. Fortunately for me there is this treasure that I have inside of me and, when I need it, then I pull it out.