The term "rock" has, unfortunately, become appropriated by four-year-old girls and accountants. An accountant does something amazingly well on the stock exchange and his buddies high-five him: He's a rock star! A four-year-old girl learned to ride a bicycle: She's a rock star!
I didn't join a band. I didn't start a band. I got asked to do it. It kinda happened by accident.
I had a great conversation with Trent Reznor. Trent said, "I'd have a sixpack, too, if I didn't write my own music!"
I don't objectify myself. I hate looking at pictures of myself, they're usually awful.
I've seen people wearing clothes that don't look good on them, but they're really loving those clothes and the experience of wearing those clothes. Fine. At the end of the day, it's fashion.
Hoodies are definitely street wear, no doubt. It's amazing how hoodies have become such an important staple in people's wardrobes.
I'm much more interested in Mike Tyson than I am in Morrissey.
There's always music sitting around, but when you're cultivating music, the idea of getting into a studio and compressing it to get something out on time can be really good.
Christmas to me is very much about family and the depths of winter.
I much prefer being in the studio or on stage and staying out of the mainstream really.
What is the popular image of rock star? A rail-thin, overly-paid, narcissistic, average-talented individual who self-implodes in front of everybody, eternally having a party and who looks eternally youthful?
I think there's a lot of people who are afraid to experiment with clothing because they're afraid to get judged or ridiculed.
You get paid and you get venerated and worshipped for pretending to be somebody else.
Jay Z in many ways is a rock artist. In the sense that they've used hard rock, punk rock, psychedelic rock aesthetics and influences in their music. When you see Kanye West, he has a full band playing. Jay Z has a full band playing with Marshalls.
I like the idea of getting to dress up, like to do a Barry Lyndon or something about the Napoleonic period, the grand army retreating from Moscow. I understand that there's a craft to acting and a lot of people work hard at it. I just know that music is my first love. I love music, I love film, and I love clothes.
Hollywood has this incredible ability to make a lot of noise.
Usually when I see Matthew [McConaughey] at a show, he'll be down in front with his shirt off with two beers just going mental, lit up and having an amazing time.
There have been times in my life where I was asked to do things and I didn't feel comfortable with it.
I grew up on North American sports teams as well as English soccer clubs.
I do know that there is a difference between artists who are career-driven and artists who have a calling and are just compelled to make music, compelled to perform live, and the business isn't the reason they're doing it. In fact, there isn't really a reason. You just do it.
I work at my life and I cultivate myself and don't spend six hours in a gym. Some people would say I should but why?
The days are usually filled with nonsense and every now and again somebody flies by the circus to party on your dime.
I wasn't pursuing a musical career or anything. It just happened and then it was there.
I'm much more for style and not trend-driven.