Couldn't I just be a bit loony instead of gifted?
I don’t know what to tell you, Perry. Life’s hard. Love’s harder
Life's hard, Love's harder.
Burnett fidgeted. She had never seen Burnett like this. He looked like a kid who needed to go to the bathroom.
Why does ice cream go with a broken heart?" Kylie asked. "Because if you eat enough of it, it freezes the heart and numbs the pain for a bit.
Derek's the nicest guy I know. He would never...you know." "He better not...you know!" Hayden bit out.
Boy trouble, huh?" "Boy catastrophe is more like it. I'm not sure I can do this." "Do what?" Concern sounded in Holiday's voice. "Do Lucas," Kylie said. Holiday made a funny face and raised one eyebrow.
That’s the tricky thing about love. It walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and smells like a duck. But after you sleep with it a month or so, or get dumped at the altar by it, it starts smelling more like a skunk.
I've dug so deep into his background, I can practically tell you when he stopped waring diapers.
Be patient? That's all you've got for me?" Steve complained ten minutes later. Kylie glanced up at Perry, circling them as they sat behind the office, and then frowned at Steve. "I don't know why everyone thinks I'm the love guru.
She simply stood there and waited for him to show her the next move. And hoped it only involved sword fighting and not seduction.
When we care about people, we sometimes overstep our grounds.
Me?" All the crappiness of the day, of the last few weeks, zeroed in on this high and mighty B with an itch, and the scared-rabbit feeling faded.
Just because a person is young doesn’t mean that being loyal to someone isn’t important. And it still hurts if someone isn’t loyal to you.
We just hide from the people we love. Sad, isn't it?
Life isn't supposed to be easy. Generally speaking, the harder something is the more rewarding the results will be.
That woman is the most difficult, the most stubborn redhead I've ever had the displeasure of meeting." He shot off, leaving only a blurry streak in his wake. "And you're falling in love with her," Kylie whispered.
Nana used to say whenever you start feeling like the world is taking a bite out of you, bite back by counting your blessings.
God won’t give you more than you can handle.’” Holiday chuckled. “And we just wish He didn’t trust us so much, right?
She already had a headache-she didn't want to add 'get tortured' to today's to-do list.
Thanks, but that's not going to fix anything. It's like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.
Just because a guy rings your bell, doesn't mean you have to toot his horn.
Then maybe it's time to change that." Della sat back in her chair. "Change what?" Kylie asked. "Come out of the closet. You know, like...'I'm gay and here to stay.' You'd need a different slogan, but maybe, 'I'm a lizard and if you don't like it, I'll eat out your gizzard.'" Della chuckled. "Okay, it needs some work, but you get what I mean.
Could she learn to like this guy? "“It's nice to meet you." Kylie plastered a warm expression on her face. But she worried he could tell it was a sham. "The pleasure is all mine," he said. Kylie just smiled. He was completely right about that.