Cesare Pavese Quotes
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Love is a beautiful feeling.
I'm just in love with Burberry. Always have been, always will be.
I love Winston Churchill; I think he had the grace of coming and the grace of leaving - when things were hard he was there, and when it was time to leave, he left.
I love doing impressions of politicians because the task is always to imagine the private lives of these people whose job it is to project an image of staunch, unflinching leadership and grace, and that's just not how human beings, in their heart of hearts, work.
Part of my job as Children's Laureate is to visit schools and talk about my love of books and stories and encourage them all to do it as well - to read, to write, to never be afraid of their own voice. Because we all have something to say.
I've always considered myself a fairly romantic person. I believe in love and falling in love at a young age.
I had something I was trying to say and sometimes the message is an easy transmission and sometimes it's a difficult one but I love the power of saying it so I'm gonna do it whether it's hard or easy.
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he expects to be paid for it.
I love to cook. I'm a sailor. And I was the eighth-grade ping-pong champion.
Majesty and love do not consort well together, nor do they dwell in the same place.
There are no rules when it comes to love.
I just love kids. I always have.
I love writing songs. I love doing my radio show and talking to the fans and listening to what they have to say, but there's a certain responsibility that comes along with being given the gift of music. I take that seriously, but at the same time I try to use it to do something that makes a difference in a positive way.
I love 'Love Actually.' 'Love Actually,' there's, like, nine stories in that movie. Three of them are good. But watching that movie, I get emotional, I get choked up, my wife makes fun of me. I don't know if as you get older you get sappier and sentimental.
I think as a child you know when it's time for your parents to split. You realise they love each other, but they're not in love with each other. And I think as a child it's much better for your parents to split than for them to stay and have dysfunction within the family.
You have to take strength from the people that love you and the people that love Barbara and the huge number of expressions of sympathy and compassion and support. That has been extremely moving.
I love traveling. But I haven't had big, transformative experiences while on the road. When I go out on the road, it's to go out and get a story or do a promotional event.
Some people care too much. I think it's called love.
I love the sound of Elmore James, the sound early guitarists like him got just by using minimal means.
Let no rank puff up anyone; for faith and love are paramount - the greatest blessings in the world.
Can you imagine what that little conversation is going to look like, held in the independent counsel's office, with the people there who have the capacity to put Ms. Lewinsky in jail? ... Can we really say that it's just normal, just OK, to have one side using the might and majesty of the independent counsel's office threatening a witness with violation of an immunity agreement if she doesn't fly across the country for this little chat? I think not.
I'm not unusual; it's the others who are strange.
The most memorable engagement for me, I suppose, was an away-day to Leicester. I went without William, so I was rather apprehensive about that.
Love is the cheapest of religions.