It sparkles in the dim light of the room, and when he shakes it out, dust mingles with glitter.
Love without choice isn't love at all.
But there's a difference, isn't there? Between saying goodbye and death.
If time can't heal them, nothing can.
I want her so much that it overrides everything else, every other thought in my head, every instinct, every restraint.
And this is what she wants to do to people. Let them have their own lives, until she wants them. Give them the strength of giants, but not the power to control it.
She grips my elbow tighter, somehow finding the thinnest skin to dig her fingernails into. I want to pry her fingers from my arm, but when I look down at her, I can tell she’s using me as a lifeline, and I’m not going to be the one to let her drown.
I’m fond of joking that when I get stuck in writing, I’ll kill a character or blow something up (in the novel…usually).
It's bad, being frozen, but it's better than waking up alone.
It's hard to think about all the bad when she reminds me of all that's good.
I have emotions,- I whisper. I am nothing but a black hole of emotions.
I never knew how easy it is to escape if you don't mind leaving nearly everything behind.
He looks once in my eyes, a question still there. But we are beyond questions. We are in a plsce where there are only answers, and my answer to him is yes.
Choice or no, my heart is his.
Eldest taught me about ancient religions that worshiped the sun. I never understood why- it's just a ball of light and heat. But if the sun of Sol-Earth swirls in colors and lights like that girl's hair, well, I can see why the ancients would worship that.
What you really want to know,” I say, “is how to make sure we all don’t just rip each other apart, right?” The fight earlier is way too fresh in our minds. We are a powder keg; just a spark will blow us apart.
I guess when someone's gone from your life for a while, all you think about are the big things. The big regrets, the could-have, should-haves. Or the big moments, the memories that are going to be with you forever, those life-changing moments, like first kisses and first confessions and first trusts. And you think about the lasts too: the last kiss, the last words, the last moments.
I’d been prepared for the goodbyes—as prepared as anyone could be, I guess—but I wasn’t at all prepared for a hello.
I am as silent as death. Do this: Go to your bedroom. Your nice, safe, warm bedroom that is not a glass coffin behind a morgue door. Lie down on your bed not made of ice. Stick your fingers in your ears. Do you hear that? The pulse of life from your heart, the slow in-and-out from your lungs? Even when you are silent, even when you block out all noise, your body is still a cacophony of life. Mine is not. It is the silence that drives me mad. The silence that drives the nightmares to me. Because what if I am dead?
He sounds like a regular Hitler to me", Amy mutters. I wonder what she means by that. Eldest has always taught me that Hitler was a wise, cultured leader for his people. Maybe that's what she means: Eldest is a strong leader, like Hitler was.
Even though I know the rain is fake, it feels the same as real rain, and I desperately need that.
That's all you need to know about Godspeed. Although you should also know this. I am Eldest.
I feel alone. I don't mean i feel lonely; I mean i feel alone, the same way i feel the blanket resting on my body, or the feathers of my pillow under my head, or the tight string of my sleep pants twisted up around my waist. I feel alone as if it were an actual thing, seeping throughout this whole level like mist blanketing a field, reaching into all the hidden corners of my room and finding nothing living but me. It's a cold sort of feeling, this.
She stares back into me, as if we are both seeking a humanity that neither of us has.