Zeppelin were a blues band but also so much more, as were The Stones.
Phil Collen Def Leppard -
The most painful thing was falling off the stage in Sydney, Australia on the last song of the set, 'Sugar.' I was bruised all over. I don't know how the guitar survived, much less me.
Rick Savage Def Leppard
We thought a lot of the heavy metal stuff was ridiculous. And we still do. We didn't want to be Duran Duran either, so we were somewhere in the middle. We always felt a little bit different because we were never really part of any movement. People said what we were doing wasn't pure rock and stuff like that. Then we said, yeah, but what we did was better than pure rock.
Phil Collen Def Leppard -
Sometimes after a gig one of the band would say 'Did you see that girl down the front?' and somebody would say 'Do you want me to get her back?' But, generally we met them at the hotel or backstage. For a girl to get backstage in the first place, she'd probably blown half the crew - and I'm not into sharing in that respect. We had one roadie who actually had a heart attack on tour with us in 1983 - he was a big, big guy and he was doing at least four or five groupies a day!
Joe Elliott Def Leppard -
We're doing what we want to do. Basically it's just down to the fact that we're all posers. We all want to go out on stage, pose, wear dinky white boots, tight trousers and have all the girls looking at our bollocks. That's us. We like showing off, we're arrogant bastards, it's just like ... over the top.
Rick Savage Def Leppard -
When doing the mix, there's five different pairs of ears. We all hear it differently. We said we'll be mixing this album for the next three years if we don't let someone take charge. We let Mutt mix it.
Steve Clark Def Leppard -
Being in a band is all about compromise. When everybody can compromise and still feel they're going in the right direction, then you have a happy band.
Rick Savage Def Leppard -
In England, rock music very rarely infiltrates the charts, but country music even less so.
Joe Elliott Def Leppard
A good one was the album Adrenalize title. I wanted to call the album Dementia. I like the idea of having a trilogy of albums ending with 'ia'. Phil thought it was cool but wondered if it was a little contrived, like we were running out of good ia-sounding words. Joe hated it with a passion. After two and a half hours of discussion, he was so pissed off that we were still talking about this one word that he just turned around and said, 'Well, as far as I'm concerned, you might as well call the album BOB!!
Rick Savage Def Leppard -
Some weird blue sh*t that someone gave me during our 1992 Australian tour. I didn't eat it.
Phil Collen Def Leppard -
It was so new to us before, we used to all go rock & roll. Now we're more into getting on with our lives individually, not hanging out every moment. We all know what we like to do. If I want to go to the gym, I'll ring Phil. If I want to go to a bar, I'll ring Sav.
Steve Clark Def Leppard -
The big thing that everyone forgets, you're famous and on TV and everything, but I think there's something very rewarding to be able to write a song, record it, and have it turn out as you heard it in your head, or even better.
Phil Collen Def Leppard -
I didn't graduate and I never went back to reunions, so I don't really know.
Phil Collen Def Leppard -
Before we became engaged, my wife was having surgery to have her spleen removed. I drove to the hospital and got into her bed so she would get up next to me before the surgery.
Vivian Campbell Def Leppard
Some of the demos we do are better than a lot of people's albums.
Joe Elliott Def Leppard -
I've done songs, which have gone out to other artists or whatever, with me singing on, but they're just demos. There is a song called CANDY IN YOUR HANDS, which I think nearly became a Def Leppard B-side. It's got me playing on it and singing, cause no one else performed on the track. So, not in a Def Leppard sense, but we always release "rare" songs, so there's always a chance.
Rick Savage Def Leppard -
Goodbye Pete Willis, hello Phil Collen. We decided to try to do something that no other rock band had tried before - blueprint "Sgt. Pepper". A period in time when we allowed our Pop sensibility to come to the fore ... and guess what? Our first major success...huge in the U.S. ... but nowhere else ..
Joe Elliott Def Leppard -
My 22nd birthday, live at the Philadelphia Spectrum with Dio. Tobruk was recording and invited us over for a very wild party.
Vivian Campbell Def Leppard -
There was never a question of folding up or Rick not being able to do it - it never came up. Through Rick's attitude, we knew that he would pull through.
Rick Savage Def Leppard -
The band is a millionaire. We as individuals aren't.
Joe Elliott Def Leppard
I drink loads of water, so I'm always nipping off for a piss when we're doing a gig.
Phil Collen Def Leppard -
Any time I can get off is my favorite holiday. I don't pay too much attention to traditional times because we're often working on Christmas and have to celebrate in January. But I love Christmas. The old clichés are true. To watch someone's face when they're opening a present is mind-blowing really.
Joe Elliott Def Leppard -
My 33rd springs to mind. We were in Omaha, NE, playing in the round with the whole place singing 'Happy Birthday' - I felt like I was standing on a huge birthday cake. Very weird.
Phil Collen Def Leppard -
F*ck, I can't remember. Jesus, we are getting boring! I suppose the last one I recall was at Sav's (Leppard bassist, Rick Savage). He's got a place in Dublin. It was very cool, but I left at 2am when a lot of people were just arriving. When you don't drink, you tend to leave before people start slobbering all over you.
Phil Collen Def Leppard