Buttons Quotes
I have big hands. I can't do the touch-screen thing. I'm a button guy. I want to press buttons.
Biographies are but the clothes and buttons of the man. The biography of the man himself cannot be written.
I keep pushing buttons and trying to grow as a person and as a filmmaker.
I don't push buttons to push buttons. Throwing the rebel card out there is really cheap.
In particular, there was a butler in a blue coat and bright buttons, who gave quite a winey flavour to the table beer; he poured it out so superbly.
It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It's just a matter of whether you're focused on a castle or a button.
America: It’s like Britain, only with buttons.
You can't just place a few "Buy" buttons on your website and expect your visitors to buy.
This all came of a conversation I had with [John] Steinbeck once when we were standing in a men's room somewhere. Steinbeck asked me why I didn't play the banjo any more and I told him that went out with the high-button shoes.
Do you not know that King Kong the first was just three foot six inches tall? He only came up to Faye Wray's belly button! If God could do the tricks that we can do he'd be a happy man!
Now everything is available at the push of a button, and that thrill of the search is gone. With vinyl albums and special edition releases, I feel like that's coming back.
There is too much life to be lived for you to hit the snooze button. In fact, I believe it is 'seize the day', not 'snooze the day!'
I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
The camera's dumb, it don't [sic] care who's pushing the button. It doesn't know.
My sons are a hell of a lot easier to get through to than my daughter is. She seems to have my number. She can just run through the buttons.
Well, mi amore, this is awesome news! Let's get right on that," said Kami, and began to undo the buttons of her blouse. She looked down at the red buttons slipping out one by one from the black fabric of her shirt. She only had eight buttons, and there went the fourth. Jared sucked breath out of a horrified void and shouted, "stop that!" He angled himself to protect her from the eyes of a crowd that was not there. He hesitated, possibly because now he had a view directly down into shadows and curves.
I enjoy the videos with the sound off, where you can look at the belly buttons and everything. Really some pretty girls, but I don't know about the music.
Sex is like an atom bomb. A potent weapon which fascinates and frightens. We're afraid to let it loose, yet we all have our finger on the button.
Life needed a fast forward button. Because there were days you just don't want to live through, not again, but they kept coming around and you were powerless to stop time or speed it up or do anything to keep from having to face it.
I just saw a girl who said she saw John Lennon walking down the street in New York wearing a button that said, "I love Paul.” She asked him: “Why are you wearing an 'I love Paul' button?”, and he said: “Because I love Paul.
You can be intuitive when you've got a more expansive role. You can get into the poetry of telling the story rather than just pushing buttons.
If you look at the world now its one that we couldn't have imagined in 1997! That I would be able to hit a button and a taxi will show up? We wouldn't have believed that everything is disposable!
Perm in your hair or even a curly weave, Wichya New Edition Bobby Brown button on your sleeve. I tell you come here, you say, 'Meet me half way,' Cause brothers been popping that game all day.
I love technology. Matches, to light a fire is really high tech. The wheel is REALLY one of the great inventions of all time. Other than that I am an ignoramus about technology. I once looked for the 'ON' button on the computer and came to find out it was on the back. Then I thought, anyone who would put the 'on' switch on the back, where you can't find it, doesn't do any good for my psyche. The one time I did get the computer on, I couldn't turn the damn thing off!