Photograph Quotes
I hate having my photograph taken.
A photograph is not an accident - is a concept. It exists at, or before, the moment of exposure of the negative.
People often trust low-res images because they look more real. But of course they are not more real, just easier to fake. You never see a 10-megapixel photograph of Big Foot or the Abominable Snowman or the Loch Ness Monster.
I have just one black and white photograph left of my mother when she was younger. She was 17 when it was taken and beautiful with wispy curls and eyes that shone like dark marbles.
We feel more emotion... before an amateur photograph linked to our own life history than before the work of a Great Photographer, because his domain partakes of art, and the intent of the souvenir-object remains at the lower level of personal history.
It is easy to take a photograph, but it is harder to make a masterpiece in photography than in any other art medium.
Photographs don’t lie, but liars may photograph.
The viewer must bring their own view to a photograph.
I was invited to photograph Hollywood. They asked me what I would like to photograph. I said, Ugly men.
A very faithful drawing may actually tell us more about the model but despite the promptings of our critical intelligence it will never have the irrational power of the photograph to bear away our faith.
Every photograph could be set up. If one could imagine it, one could set it up. The whole discussion is a way of not talking about photographs.
Ironically, my paintings don't photograph well.
I just think of everything I do and how happy it will make me to do it. I don't like having my photograph taken, for instance, so I don't do that often.
Even today I work with Niall O'Brien, who is far more technically astute than I am, but I still have the clearest idea of every detail I want in my photograph.
If you have enough craft, you've done your homework and you're practiced. You can then make the photograph you desire.
They used to photograph Shirley Temple through gauze. They should photograph me through linoleum.
In the simplest sentence, I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed. Basically, that's why I photograph, in the simplest language. That's the beginning of it and then we get to play the games.
Mostly, I worked so quickly, I didn't see the details of a photograph until it was printed.
I know what I like to use myself. I use Leicas, but when I look at the photograph, I don't ask the photograph questions. Mine or anybody else's. The only time I've ever dealt with that kind of thing is when I'm teaching.
The same camera that photographs a murder scene can photograph a beautiful society affair at a big hotel.
You don't make a photograph just with a camera.
I keep that memory somewhere inside me—where it’s safe. I take it out and look at it when I need to. As if it were a photograph.
To me a photograph is a page from life, and that being the case, it must be real.
I have always loved the amateur side of photography, automatic photographs, accidental photographs with uncentered compositions, heads cut off, whatever. I incite people to make their self-portraits. I see myself as their walking photo booth.