Date Quotes
We're fifteen to twenty years out of date in how we think about renewables.
Good art doesn't really have an expiration date on it. That's something to be happy about, if you're making art.
I would date a model, but I would rather marry a fan or a normal person.
No decision has been made to date. The commissioner and I continue to meet with representatives of the groups and there will be an official announcement when the decision is made.
I can't date women my own age any more - I hate going to cemeteries.
There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.
Consider the fellow. He never spends his time telling you about his previous night's date. You get the idea he has eyes only for you and wouldn't think of looking at another woman.
Enjoy life, it has an expiration date.
The writer must proudly consent to bear his own date, knowing that there are no masterpieces in eternity, but only works in history, and that they survive only to the degree that they have left the past behind them and heralded the future.
When guys come over to date my daughter, I'm going to tell them, "I want you to go out and have a very good time with my daughter. I want you to enjoy yourself and have her home on time. If you abuse her in any way, I'm going to kill your mother and father, cut your back open, pull out your spine, and leave you in a wheelchair so you can think about what you did for the rest of your life. Now, go out and have a good time!
Men date. Women have relationships.
If you go out on a date, for the first date, a guy should pay, a guy should be respectful and, you know, I'm not saying roll out a red carpet, but, like, open the door and just be polite and just have common courtesy. I don't think that's too much to ask.
I've always seen actresses who constantly date their leading men or somebody they co-star with, and I've been the opposite. Once I act with you, I feel like you're my brother.
I believe that if you go on a date and get to second base and then you go home alone and rub one out, that's like runs batted in.
Repeat after me: I only invest my energy into people who invest in me. I only date people who intentionally want to get to know me. I do not chase people and try to convince them to like me.
There are plenty of younger people who are a lot more mature than older men and women, and who are such go-getters that they're more successful than people twice their age, they're more ready to date an older partner than you guessed.
I wouldn't date a girl with a bad attitude. I'm 'Mr. Positive.
I’m always the one who doesn’t have a date, the one guys walk up to and say, “So, is your friend, you know, with someone?” and I may not be the only girl without someone, but it feels like it sometimes. A lot of the time.
Good design doesn't date. Bad design does.
My favorite date movie is Scarface. There's nothing like taking a woman to see Scarface. It gets the panties off quick.
I'm a fabulous date, I make sure I look good, I like hearing what a guy has to say and I make sure the evening is a real laugh. I like to laugh.
For five guys from Sheffield who didn't know shit about anything, being in a band was like winning the lottery. Suddenly you didn't have to beg for a date anymore - they'd come up to you.
I suppose it is a bit of a date that we're having at the moment. As is usually the case you don't get married on a first date, you've got to go out a few times before you make any big decisions.
I've never really dated actresses except when I was really young.