Definition Quotes
The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.
Humans persecute their different ones, yet they need them to give themselves definition and status.
Love is just a word, but you bring it definition.
Innovation is applied creativity. By definition, innovation is always about introducing something new, or improved, or both and it is usually assumed to be a positive thing.
Since the late 19th century, the median age of first marriage for women had fluctuated between 20 and 22. This had been the shape, pattern and definition of female life.
The beginning of wisdom is a definition of terms.
Let me be the first to say I can't remember ever having a conversation about the definition of consent when I was a kid. I knew that 'no' meant 'no,' but that's it.
The definition of a Schwarzenegger Republican is a Bush Republican who says he's a Schwarzenegger Republican.
Definition of tragedy: A hero destroyed by the excess of his virtues.
The proper words in the proper places are the true definition of style.
A creationist can embarrass an evolutionist by asking for a definition of species.
My definition of utter waste is a coachload of lawyers going over a cliff, with three empty seats.
I go to this gym in Hollywood: it's a Cross Fit gym. It's basically just a really high intensity, sort of, athletic movements. I'm sure Cross Fit is going to be mad at me for not giving their definition of what Cross Fit is.
My definition of a redundancy is an air-bag in a politician's car.
Guilty as charged. We are very much supportive of the family - the biblical definition of the family unit.
I'm sometimes called a 'documentary photographer' but... a man operating under that definition could take a sly pleasure in the disguise. Very often I'm doing one thing when I'm thought to be doing another.
I wonder who it was defined man as a rational animal. It was the most premature definition ever given. Man is many things, but he is not rational.
Grace, by definition, is something that God is not required to grant. He owes a fallen world no mercy.
If you look up the definition of greatness in the dictionary, it will say Michael Jordan.
Might not hurt you to pick up a book, just as an experiment." Whatever. I looked up the definition for 'nerd' in the dictionary. Know what it said?" "I bet you'll tell me." " 'If you're reading this, you are one.' " You're a riot.
I'd sell my grandmother for a bit of definition.
For me, to be in a place where I'm on the 'favourite' list of top directors I like, that's being number one. There is no other definition to me. It's not money; it's not how many songs you're seen in or how many clothes you're changing in the film.
People ask me what the definition of perfection, I said it's none: there is no definition of perfection.
Ultimately, that is the definition of bravery: not being afraid of yourself.