Disciple Quotes
Even the disciple has his uses. He stands behind one's throne, and at the moment of one's triumph whispers in one's ear that, after all, one is immortal.
A true disciple shows his appreciation by reaching further than his teacher.
Unholy soldier, disciple of sin, what kind of mind are you living in?
Don't let the whirlwinds drag you down. These are your days - to stand strong as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A disciple is a disciple maker.
If you don't have a teacher you can't have a disciple.
The spiritual master can instruct the disciple though many different formats.
Our Lord sent His disciples out as sheep among wolves; now the wolves are being invited into the sheepfold.
Every master has but one disciple, and that one becomes unfaithful to him, for he too is destined for master-ship.
Disciples are people who operate under the rule of God, and if we're not operating under the rule of God, we can't expect the broader society to take God seriously.
It never cost a disciple anything to follow Jesus; to talk about cost when you are in love with anyone is an insult.
The disciple is rich not in possessions, but in personal identity.
The mentor-mentee relationship is ideally like that of the guru and disciple: motivated by the desire of the guru to impart knowledge to the disciple.
Religion itself is nothing else but Love to God and Man. He that lives in Love lives in God, says the Beloved Disciple: And to be sure a Man can live no where better.
Education has a tremendous power on man. Can't we see to which astonishing disciple the people of Sparte have submitted ("s'est plié", Fr.) for centuries, and this with a view to very petty purposes: purely outer greatness, the military predominace of Sparte. This example proves that man can everything on themselves when they want it ("peuvent tout sur eux-mêmes quand ils le veulent", Fr.); therefore it would only be a question of making them will the good.
I found out the hard way that if we don't disciple people, the culture sure will.
A true master will not deceive an able disciple. You are hampered by the limits you set and no limit can be set on skill.
You can't find a YouTube clip to become a craftsman, friend, parent - or disciple of Christ. It's all of grace. And to grow in that grace, you need two things: time and community.
Exchanging blows generously, which is not uncommon in some other martial arts, is unthinkable in Shaolin philosophy, because a Shaolin disciple always assumes that an opponent is competent and able to inflict damage with just one blow.
The instructed noble disciple knows of an escape from painful feeling other than sensual pleasure. Since he does not seek delight in sensual pleasure, the underlying tendency to lust for pleasant feeling does not lie behind this. He understands as it really is the origin and the passing away, the gratification, the danger, and the escape in the case of these feelings. Since he understands these things, the underlying tendency to ignorance in regard to neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling does not lie behind this.
Take from others what you want, but never be a disciple of anyone.
Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death. The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.
The real guru is the pure intellect within; and the purified, deeply aspiring mind is the disciple.
The Gospel of Thomas, greatly favored in some circles, is ignored by archaeologists, primarily because it exhibits no verisimilitude. It tells us nothing about the historical Jesus and the world he and his disciples lived in. I've heard it said, that if all we had was the Gospel of Thomas, would we even know that Jesus was Jewish?