Particular Quotes
Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.
Let us not be too particular; it is better to have old secondhand diamonds than none at all.
I have a deep and ongoing love of Iceland, particular the landscape, and when writing 'Burial Rites,' I was constantly trying to see whether I could distill its extraordinary and ineffable qualities into a kind of poetry.
But in my own particular case, there was something that happened when I became a mother. Whenever in the news I saw an example of a child being abused or mistreated, my response went from being appalled to being physically revolted.
Check out not to become a man or woman of achievement, but instead seek to become a particular person of price.
Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.
Americans tended to think of war as something that had to be done from time to time, for a particular purpose or goal. They fought not for the sake of fighting but for the sake of winning.
As the Hindu gods are 'immortal' only in a very particular sense - for they had born and they die - they experience most of the great human dilemmas and often seem to differ from mortals in a few trivial details... and from demons even less. Yet they are regarded by the Hindus as a class of beigns by definition totally different from any other; they are symbols in a way that no human beign, however 'archetypal' his life story, can ever be. They are actors playing parts that are real only for us; they are masks behind which we see our own faces.
It’s easier to look sexy when you’re thinking of one man in particular.
The dead don't bother with particulars.
With American orchestras, in particular, because they play in such huge halls, getting a true pianissimo is very hard.
In no State is there a weightier law than that which centers its stability in the supreme hereditary power of one particular family, unconnected and un-commingling with any other lineage in that State.
I don't think about this stuff on that level. I approach this whole thing as a guy who plays guitar and feels a particular way.
There are a lot of African-Americans in that region of the country. We pay particular attention to these communities because historically aid doesn't get into those communities right away.
A win is a win, which is about that particular moment.
The artist is one who makes a concentrated statement about the world in which he lives and that statement tends to become impersonal-it tends to become universal and enduring because it comes out of something very particular.
I have a variety of styles. I don't stick to one particular style.
Management must provide employees with tools that will enable them to do their jobs better, and with encouragement to use these tools. In particular, they must collect data.
That particular odyssey is now over. My mind is now at rest.
Unix in particular is very poor at network printing.
I am not comfortable walking the ramp for just any designer. I am particular about who I associate with.
Romance is very particular to each individual and a very personalised thing.
I suppose that being moved to write a song is more applicable to me, I have to be moved, I have to have a reason to write a particular song.
The spoken word community was significant in making me want to write accessible and urgent poems. Bob Holman, in particular, was an impressive figure.