Music Business Quotes
In the music business, especially the country music business, every 10 years or so you're going to have this changing of the guard, this wave of new artists that comes in.
When I started in this [music] business, I had a dream, but it was amorphous, and I had no experience. I just had a fuzzy notion of what life would be like if I became what I pictured.
When we first entered the music business, we didn't know very much about recording. Then, after working with Mutt Lange, we thought we knew everything there was about the studio. But just as we were getting cocky, along came video and we had whole new set of rules and regulations to learn about - it was a totally alien form to us. After all, we were just kids off the streets of Sheffield, what did we know about television except how to turn one on?
Image is everything, and the voice or the idea or the song is hardly anything at all. Half the time the person isn't even doing the singing. I'm a bit cynical about this [music] business.
I have major respect for Kenny Chesney and Carrie Underwood and Sugarland. They are wonderful. They're superstars in the music business.
I was just burnt out. I didn't like the music business and I didn't like me. There's an element of falseness about the whole thing. Even things like doing an interview. It's not as though we just met in the pub and are having a chat - it's part of a process. If you do it all day, every day for years, you end up thinking: 'Who the hell am I?' I was lucky enough to make some money, enough to let me kick back. It was a great experience and it was nice to have a couple of No.1s but the best thing about it was that the money I made allowed me to have freedom and choice in my life.
I know how hard it is to make it in the music business.
I'm feeling like the music business is reaping what it's sown. It's going through what inevitably it was going to go through. It was a very decadent, very glamorous business that took advantage of a lot of people for a long time and didn't do things right and had a poor business model.
You can do any number of things in the music business aside from trying to look like you're 25. To me it's embarrassing.
The internet is a great thing but the worst thing that it brought to the music business was piracy and it's made making stuff available really difficult.
The music business, or what`s left of it, is obviously a very - it`s like a wild west now.
I've withdrawn many times. Part of me is a monk, and part a performing flea! The fear in the music business is that you don't exist if you're not at Xenon with Andy Warhol.
It's very tough for a woman in the music business, and he really was such a motivator from the beginning, when I was super-shy, and he saw a lot in me on a personal level that he knew could carry through on the stage.
When you first start out in the music business and hope that you have a couple hits, the ultimate payoff is to be standing in front of all those people who are singing it back to you at the top of their lungs. And you know by the way they're singing it back that it's affected their life in some way. That's the ultimate reward as an artist for me.
I'm from a little island off of Massachusetts, Nantucket. It's hard getting into the music business from there, but my parents took me to songwriting festivals because I would write and produce my own music.
I have a lot of dislike for the business end of the music business, particularly what they call shopping for a label. It can be a real stupid thing.
A woman's two cents worth is worth two cents in the music business.
It's no secret that anybody who knows the music business knows that the numbers are substantially different in Christian music than they are in country music.
Before it was my career, music was my hobby. I did it for fun and I suppose that would’ve continued had there been no career. Moving to Nashville to work in radio is what gave me the opportunity to meet the people who could help make the hobby a career. Odds of success are never good in the music business, but it can give you a leg up if you locate where the decisions are made…and for country music, that’s Nashville. But the best advice is to be sure you’re having fun doing it whether the career works out or not.
The music business has changed dramatically in the fifteen years I've been peripherally associated with it.
When I left Genesis, I just wanted to be out of the music business. I felt like I was just in the machinery. We knew what we were going to be doing in 18 months or two years ahead. I just did not enjoy that.
The secret to longevity in the music business is to change, and to be able to change. [...] An actor has to assume other people's identities. A rock star doesn't need to do that. [...] But change is important.
I wish there had been a music business 101 course I could have taken.
I wanted to be great. And I loved Nashville, so that made it easy. I loved the music business. It made it easy for me to stay and make a life here.