Sarah Addison Allen Quotes
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I am not going to say I have been a saint. I have not been a perfect man. None is perfect but the Father, which is in Heaven.
The Kiss scene was attempted three times. The first was in a peculiar spot of the fort on the ground level. It felt forced to me, and I knew right away that, in spite of what others were saying, it was dead wrong.
To ancient Chinese fancy, the Milky Way was a luminous river, - the River of Heaven, - the Silver Stream.
KISS is Las Vegas entertainment. A musician doesn't need the mask.
I don't really want to make this sound depressing, but I will say that I didn't really have my first kiss until really, really late.
The kingdom of heaven is like electricity. You don't see it. It is within you.
A kiss is a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear; kisses are the messengers of love and tenderness.
I want to make it to Heaven and be as good an influence on others as I can in that process.
When I find the right person, nothing else will matter, but I'm prepared to kiss a lot of frogs.
I went to the University of Michigan for one year, and fortunately they had a foreign-film cinema, and I discovered it, and I thought I died and went to heaven.
When I kiss a girl for a part, people think it's sexy. But if two guys kiss, suddenly there's a backlash. It's a double standard.
Marriage is neither heaven nor hell, it is simply purgatory.
We hear tears loudly on this side of Heaven. What we don't take time to contemplate are the even louder cheers on the other side of death's valley.
...Stevens does not think of inspiration (or whatever you want to call it) as a condition of composition. He too is waiting for the spark from heaven to fall-poets have no choice about this-but he waits writing; and this-other things being equal, when it’s possible, if it’s possible-is the best way for a poet to wait.
Kings will shudder that day, Woe awaits them! When the recompenser shall appear, Let the heaven appear below. A ruddy wind will be brought Out to the cinder, Until the world is as desolate As when created.
I wonder where that bat is now? Maybe he's sitting in Bat Heaven somewhere, with his own bat roadies...
All Heaven is within thee, Man, And all of Hell within thy heart: What thou dost choose and will to have, That hast thou wheresoe'er thou art.
Fame alone raises herself to Heaven, because virtuous things are in favour with God.
His smile was bright and sweet and hot enough to melt solid steel. "Is this the part where I kiss you?" "If you like." "Oh," he said, "I like.
When you see that any scholar loves the world, then his scholarship is in doubt.
I think Heaven will be like a first kiss.