Patients Quotes
A terminal diagnosis can really mess with your head. Honestly, it makes you want to run away to the moon. Many ALS patients want to fade away quietly. This was not for me.
Steve Gleason
There's something universal about illness... Whether you like it, at some level all patients are saying, 'Daddy, Mommy, help me, tell me it's going to be alright.'
Abraham Verghese
“For patients to claim a right to any procedures they wish is to challenge a conscientious physician’s integrity as a physician.”
Edmund Pellegrino
Somatic therapies can help patients to relocate themselves in the present by experiencing that it is safe to move.
Bessel van der Kolk
It is no part of a physician's business to use either persuasion or compulsion upon the patients.
I was often surprised by the dispassionate way patients’ symptoms were discussed and by how much time was spent on trying to manage their suicidal thoughts and self-destructive behaviors, rather than on understanding the possible causes of their despair and helplessness. I was also struck by how little attention was paid to their accomplishments and aspirations; whom they cared for, loved, or hated; what motivated and engaged them, what kept them stuck, and what made them feel at peace—the ecology of their lives.
Bessel van der Kolk
Since I have started to integrate mindfulness and yoga into my practice, I use these medications less often, except occasionally to help patients sleep more restfully.
Bessel van der Kolk
The more fashionable doctors in Italy, began to delegate to slaves the manual attentions they deemed necessary for their patients ... that the art of medicine went to ruin.
Andreas Vesalius
The media landscape around the world, and the marketing landscape in particular, are radically changing at an incredible pace. Bob and his gang at R/GA have helped bring a vision of what the future is and what the possibilities are in reaching our patients and our customers.
Brian Perkins
I treated as few patients as I could as a medical student, and I never practiced medicine.
Severo Ochoa
“It is clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospitals. The hospital itself imposes a special environment in which the meanings of behavior can easily be misunderstood. The consequences to patients hospitalized in such an environment-the powerlessness, depersonalization, segregation, mortification, and self-labeling-seem undoubtedly countertherapeutic.”
David Rosenhan
Antipsychotic medications such as Risperdal, Abilify, or Seroquel can significantly dampen the emotional brain and thus make patients less skittish or enraged, but they also may interfere with being able to appreciate subtle signals of pleasure, danger, or satisfaction. They also cause weight gain, increase the chance of developing diabetes, and make patients physically inert, which is likely to further increase their sense of alienation.
Bessel van der Kolk
Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician.
What we try to do is to try to put patients first.
Dennis Hastert
I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.
What doctor does not need platform heels and dark black eyeliner to treat their patients?
Sarah Chalke
For we are not all equally afflicted with the same disease or all in need of the same severe cure. This is the reason why we see different persons disciplined with different crosses. The heavenly Physician takes care of the well-being of all his patients; he gives some a milder medicine and purifies others by more shocking treatments, but he omits no one; for the whole world, without exception, is ill (Deut 32:15).
John Calvin
The doctor should be opaque to his patients and, like a mirror, should show them nothing but what is shown to him.
Sigmund Freud
“Schizophrenia is a cruel disease. The lives of those affected are often chronicles of constricted experiences, muted emotions, missed opportunities, unfulfilled expectations. It leads to a twilight existence, a twentieth century underground man. The fate of these patients has been worsened by our propensity to misunderstand, our failure to provide adequate treatment and rehabilitation, our meager research efforts. A disease which should be found, in the phrase of T.S. Eliot, in the "frigid purgatorial fires" has become through our ignorance and neglect a living hell.”
E. Fuller Torrey
If you are too fond of new remedies, first you will not cure your patients; secondly, you will have no patients to cure.
Astley Cooper
Now that doctors have stopped making house calls, lots of patients now have to die without their help.
Milton Berle
The faster people are recruited to clinical trials and other studies, the sooner we will get the evidence so patients can get the best possible treatment .
Chris Whitty