Believe Quotes
I believe that the end of things man-made cannot be very far away - must be near at hand.
John Harvey Kellogg -
To be in a world which is a hell, to be of that world and neither to believe in or guess at anything but that world is not merely hell but the only possible damnation: the act of a man damning himself. It may be
William Golding
Faith? Haven't any. I'm not a nihilist or a relativist. I don't believe in anything but change. I'm a Heraclitean - you can't step in the same river twice.
Philip Johnson -
I believe that in years to come, historians will see the beginning of the 21st century as the ‘golden age’ of real estate.
David Lereah -
Can you explore real issues as a fake character? Yes - it's called acting. Or fiction. But acting is not a method of engaging with the actual world, just as pretending to know what a character might eat does not a novel make - much less make that make-believe real.
Kevin Young -
But I do believe in the paranormal, that there are things our brains just can't understand.
Art Bell -
I believe that the right thing for us to do, as much as we can and without confusing people, is to talk about how we're doing, the things that are going well but also the things that aren't going well.
Astro Teller -
I believe the only people that should be around a child and raising a child are people who absolutely, 100 percent love that child
Angelina Jolie
I don't believe in legacy. I feel that the 'mega' tag definitely acts as a platform, but after that, it's all on the individual. Legacy does not mean a crown that is passed on; we have to create our own paths.
Allu Arjun -
I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some governmental stooge with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts for squirting out babies.
Andy Rooney -
Let me say this: I'm paranoid of the government. They've lost my trust. They've lied to me so many times that I don't know what to believe from them anymore.
Jesse Ventura -
I say grace. I'm a big believer in grace. I happen to believe in a God that made all the food and so I'm pretty grateful for that and I thank him for that. But I'm also thankful for the people that put the food on the table.
Alton Brown -
I feel like we're stuck in the former mode of reacting because that's what gains traction in Washington. But I really believe we need a robust public good argument. Net neutrality is not just about creating the next Instagram or Farmville or whatever.
Astra Taylor -
I don't believe what I did with Marta was illegal or was unethical or wrong, ... She was being battered and I invited her into my home. I provided her with assistance, I helped her get back to Guatemala, and I believe that was an act of compassion.
Linda Chavez
In religion as in politics it so happens that we have less charity for those who believe half our creed, than for those who deny the whole of it.
Charles Caleb Colton -
The gray area, the place between black and white - that's the place where life happens.
Justin Timberlake NSYNC -
We all dream. We dream vividly, depending on our nature. Our existence is beyond our explanation, whether we believe in God or we have religion or we're atheist.
Anthony Hopkins -
Your courageous decision to believe in Him will bless you immeasurably and forever.
L. Whitney Clayton -
I have found my heaven in musicals. When I watch a musical, it makes me believe life is still beautiful.
John Woo -
Love isn't any one good thing; it's a very, very strange mishmash of emotions. Your love for somebody is, oftentimes, informed by the terrible things you might believe about yourself, and comparatively, the person you see them as is everything that you're not.
Andrew Hozier-Byrne
I definitely believe in a God and in a higher power, and I definitely take from many different religious cultures. I go to church.
Jane Seymour -
If we believe the Bible, we must accept the fact that, in the old days, God and his angels came to humans in their sleep and made themselves known in dreams.
Abraham Lincoln -
You have to actually believe in your capacity to change for habits to permanently change.
Charles Duhigg -
Voters are okay with you believing something they don't believe, as long as they think you genuinely believe it, and you believe it because you care about them.
Jason Kander