Engvall and his wife are packing up their stuff to move, with a U-Haul sitting in their driveway.
Now people live into their 90s and beyond. As long as I have quality of life, I'm good.
I think you can ban guns if you can just pull the trigger and 60 bullets fire out.
My goal is for 'The Bill Engvall Show' to be a show the networks look at and say, 'Ooh, maybe we should get back to the family sitcom.'
No sooner my kids leave their friends than they start texting them. And it's all in code in a language I totally don't understand.
Engvall: Yesterday, my son was out in the yard playing with his friend, and he hit his friend. I walked up to him, and I said, 'Hey...' (pantomimes hitting his son) 'We don't hit'. He looked at me like, 'Here's your sign, Dad'.
on being condescended to by a flight attendant Ma'am, when I got up this morning, I didn't wanna be a jackass...you just pushed my jackass button.
I don't believe there's any reason for a person like myself to own an AK-47.
I have fun on stage, so people think maybe they should, too.
I thought 'RV' stood for 'Recreational Vehicle.' No! It stands for 'Ruins Vacations.'
about an incident in a coffee shop
Bill and Larry The Cable Guy walk by a stone that Bill's neighbor had had 1894, his address, carved into it.
A Decade of Laughs (2004)
I love stand up, but every year, the road takes a little more out of you.
Engvall pulls his car into a gas station after his tire goes flat.
Engvall's car breaks down on a highway, there's smoke pouring out of the hood, and a motorist stops to help him.
Tow truck is pulling Bill's car out of his driveway
The one thing people like about my show is it's universal. Everybody can relate to it. I think people enjoy going to a show and saying, 'Something like that happened to me.'
As my wife says, I'll never fully retire, but it'll start to slow down. I'll continue to do the local gigs or go to Las Vegas. But I won't be going out to Ohio to play an Indian casino anymore. Those will probably go by the wayside.
I don't pick on people.
I'm from Texas. You would think my biggest draw would be in that state. But my biggest draw is Pennsylvania.
What I do is not regional comedy, and it is not based in the southern area.
taking a vacation with his family in Costa Rica
After Bill is exhausted at a baseball fantasy camp, walking crooked.