I just read about a schoolteacher who got hurt. She was grading papers on a curve!
Milton Berle -
Sex at eighty-four is terrific, especially the one in the winter.
Milton Berle
Santa is having a tough time this year. Last year he deducted eight billion for gifts, and the IRS wants an itemized list.
Milton Berle -
He was such a bad writer, they revoked his poetic license.
Milton Berle -
If you hire relatives, you'll have a payroll that won't quit.
Milton Berle -
Folk who don't know why America is the Land of Promise should be here during an election campaign.
Milton Berle -
The company accountant is shy and retiring. He's shy a quarter of a million dollars. That's why he's retiring.
Milton Berle -
Now that doctors have stopped making house calls, lots of patients now have to die without their help.
Milton Berle
Every year my boss used to give me a bottle of expensive brandy because I'd told him that my doctor suggested a drink once in a while. This year my boss gave me the name of a new doctor.
Milton Berle -
At Christmas you can get real bargains. I saw one item marked down ten dollars. It was a yacht.
Milton Berle -
You look like a normal person, if you can find a normal person who wants to look like that.
Milton Berle -
They've finally come up with the perfect office computer. If it makes a mistake, it blames another computer.
Milton Berle -
Some kids want to know why the teachers get paid when it's the kids who have to do all the work.
Milton Berle -
I like to do things for my wife on Valentine's Day. I open the door for her when she puts laundry in the washing machine.
Milton Berle
In the suburbs it's hard to buy your Christmas gifts early in the year. You never know who your friends will be in December.
Milton Berle -
My wife calls our waterbed the Dead Sea.
Milton Berle -
I was in a department store and I saw a weird-looking gadget. I asked the young saleslady what it was. She answered, "It doesn't do anything. It's just a Christmas gift."
Milton Berle -
The Post Office is very careful nowadays. When they get a package marked "Fragile," they throw it underhand.
Milton Berle -
I bought an ideal gift for my mother-in-law - a battery-operated mouth.
Milton Berle -
All my wife wanted for Valentine's Day was a little card - American Express.
Milton Berle
Nowadays, when a speaker tells the graduates that the future is theirs--is that a promise or a threat?
Milton Berle -
Valentine's Day is the day when you remember that Cupid was a lousy shot.
Milton Berle -
My son asked for very little - a kickstand, with a motorcycle attached.
Milton Berle -
I never stole a joke in my life. I just find them before they're lost.
Milton Berle