Behinds Quotes
Nothing ever happens by chance; everything is pushed from behind.
Part of my gestalt is that I still feel a little bit like a wallflower. Even in my own life. I talk about myself behind my back.
Repentance is powerful spiritual medicine. There are few spiritual ills it will not cure. Each sin we leave behind through our faith in the living Christ-both those of commission and those of omission-opens spiritual doors. As we feel the potency of repentance, we better understand why Christ admonished the early missionaries of this dispensation to "say nothing but repentance unto this generation."
Every year I resolve to be a little less the me I know and leave a little room for the me I could be. Every year I make a note not to feel left behind by my friends and family who have managed to change far more than I.
May my living be grace to those behind me.
As the Hindu gods are 'immortal' only in a very particular sense - for they had born and they die - they experience most of the great human dilemmas and often seem to differ from mortals in a few trivial details... and from demons even less. Yet they are regarded by the Hindus as a class of beigns by definition totally different from any other; they are symbols in a way that no human beign, however 'archetypal' his life story, can ever be. They are actors playing parts that are real only for us; they are masks behind which we see our own faces.
It tickles me, my daughter said that to me. She said, "Mommie, why is it that every time they say your name they put your age right behind it?"
Better was it to go unknown and leave behind you an arch, then to burn like a meteor and leave no dust.
My message behind this album was finding the beauty in imperfection.
You can always tell where Diana Ross has been by the hair that's left behind!
the thing about pessimism is that in most cases it's nothing more than a front behind which a body can hide its most sweetful yet painful hopes. please forgive mine.
Nobody wants to get locked up, although 'locked up' is a matter of perspective. There can be people who are out who are in prison mentally and emotionally and worse off than those who are behind bars.
You may not realize initially how many other opportunities are wrapped up inside the first one. After you go through the first door, you'll then discover more doors automatically opening behind that one. One door leads you to another door, which leads to another door, and so one. It's like ten other boxes packed inside one box. The initial door that God opens is your access to more opportunities. But you must be willing to walk through the first one to get to the other good things God has for you.
Liberals love to say things like, "We're just asking everyone to pay their fair share." But government is not about asking. It is about telling. The difference is fundamental. It is the difference between making love and being raped, between working for a living and being a slave. The Internal Revenue service is not asking anybody to do anything. It confiscates your assets and puts you behind bars if you don't pay.
I like 'Unsung' but I'd rather have a 'Behind the Music' while I'm still breathing.
Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.
What's the future of mankind? How do I know, I got left behind.
You're only as sick as your secrets. Either it comes out their way or my way. I talk about myself behind my back. And I'm funny about it.
In this world, there is a kind of painful progress. Longing for what we've left behind, and dreaming ahead.
The mask was a thing on it's own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-conciousness.
I have approached the buildings as psychological and poetic manifestations - rather than from the more technical viewpoints of the architect and historian (which mostly miss the living spirit behind the forms).
Piety and virtue are not only delightful for the present, but they leave peace and contentment behind them.
No one can pass through life, any more than he can pass through a bit of country, without leaving tracks behind, and those tracks may often be helpful to those coming after him in finding their way.
Even when we cannot see the why and wherefore of God's dealings, we know that there is love in and behind them, and so we can rejoice always.