Mind Quotes
I do not carry such information in my mind since it is readily available in books. ...The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think.
O Divine Providence, I ask not for more riches but more wisdom with which to make wiser use of the riches you gave me at birth, consisting in the power to control and direct my own mind to whatever ends I might desire.
Two things fill the mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more intensely the mind of thought is drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.
A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.
What gunpowder did for war the printing press has done for the mind.
The conscious mind determines the actions, the unconscious mind determines the reactions; and the reactions are just as important as the actions.
Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity.
Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing so can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win - essential to success.
The mind of guilt is full of scorpions.
A multitude of books distracts the mind.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
My mind is my laboratory.
And Harry doesn't mind if he doesn't make the sceneHe's got a daytime job, he's doing alright.He can play the honky tonk like anything,Saving it up for Friday night.With the Sultans... with the Sultans of Swing.
Speech is the representation of the mind, and writing is the representation of speech.
All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.
Man's mind is not a container to be filled but rather a fire to be kindled.
Every action needs to be prompted by a motive. To know and to will are two operations of the human mind. Discerning, judging, deliberating are acts of the human mind.
Do you mind if I sit back a little? Because your breath is very bad.
The essential function of art is moral. But a passionate, implicit morality, not didactic. A morality which changes the blood, rather than the mind.
In the chilly hours and minutes Of uncertainty I want to be In the warm hold of your lovin' mind. To feel you all around me And to take your hand Along the sand, Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind.
Love me or hate me, both are in my favour. If you love me, I will always be in your heart, and if you hate me, I will be in your mind.
Liberal Education makes not the Christian, not the Catholic, but the gentleman. It is well to be a gentlemen, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind, a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life.
There was a time when I believed that you belonged to me but now I know your heart is shackled to a memory The more I learn to care for you, the more we drift apart Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold cold heart.
Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind. Here the law of HABIT will come to your aid. Form the habit of applying and using the positive emotions! Eventually, they will dominate your mind so completely, that the negatives cannot enter it.