Surprised Quotes
People are always surprised that I have a funny side because I'm usually so intense, strong and dramatic. But, I'd love to do something really, really silly and funny.
Catherine Bell
They did not speak, surprised to see how simple, almost poor, happiness could be, yes, materially poor and yet so abundant.
Andreï Makine
Obviously the election surprised everybody and we had to adjust in the story room, we did a lot of work trying to figure in this idea that Donald Trump was now the president, and it became quickly apparent then that a lot of stuff that was happening in the real world was more uncertain than what we were dramatizing.
Alex Gansa
When Hale's hand disappeared inside his tuxedo jacket, Macey wasn't exactly sure what he'd find inside the pocket. It could have been another phone or a breath mint. Really, nothing would have surprised her. Well nothing except... "Is that an earbud?" she whispered. He smiled. "Are you on comms?" "Shhh," he told her softly.
Ally Carter
Where otherwise words were, flow discoveries, freed all surprised out of the fruit’s flesh.
Gayle Brandeis
I pissed on the man who called me a dog. Why was he so surprised?
Almost lost you," he thought, surprised to find himself blinking back tears. "Been through too much, me and you. We're going to finish this thing together.
I'm always surprised that certain actors have Twitter accounts. I guess they use it in a way that works for them. But I'd rather that people had less access to my personal life. If I could keep it that way, I'd be a happy lady.
Scarlett Johansson
My ex-girlfriend said to me, 'I'm surprised at how normal you are since you were homeschooled.' But I was only homeschooled because I wanted to be an actor. My parents are both teachers.
Reece Thompson
Grip pressure - not mechanical flaws - is the biggest factor when you're nervous. You unconsciously grip it tighter, which keeps you from making a smooth swing with a natural release. Keep your grip pressure light, and you'll be surprised how much your mechanics stabilize.
Ernie Els
You'd be surprised how difficult it is relinquish a cell phone.
Adrien Brody
You'd be surprised to know how many heartaches, how many bitter disappointments, how many disasters that seem final when they come, we learn to survive and in time even to forget.
Emilie Loring
Many men absorbed in business show such a rare quality of culture that we are surprised at it. The reason invariably is partly because hard work and even the weariness it leaves carry a nobility with them, but also because there is no room in such lives for inferior mental occupation.
Ernest Dimnet
I don't think anything surprised me. It was very hard for me, this story, The Snack, as a father. I have family in the army in Israel, I know families that lose their children, and I think this is the most hard thing, is faith. Because what happens after death is always belief, it's always something that you don't have any answers about, and I think the movie helps you to understand that death is part of the life. It makes it more natural.
Aviv Alush
I think people are surprised to learn that I'm pretty goofy and pretty funny.
Susan Egan
Even in the best times, managing science has been compared to herding cats; it is not done well, but one is surprised to find it done at all.
Gerald Holton